And now for something completely different…

Good news- I went on a date and it was good! I wasnt left burning a field, slapped, punched, minced,scrambled or ejected forcefully through a window (defenestrated if you’d like the official terminology…). There’s life in the old dog yet. It’s probably tapewrom but, y’know…

It’s been a very chaste and old fashioned attempt at dating and such- I’ve felt a bit like a clumsy kid as she is Gorgeous. The capital G is neccessary. I mean supremely… and she spotted me first and her MUM set us up, with help from fellow colleagues (I work with both her and her mum…). There’s been unsure little touches and nearly hugs and playfighting and all that jazz and yesterday we finally held hands and had our first kiss…

I know that sounds reeeaaalllly patheticly childlike but… I’m loving it. After Claire turned out to be a treacherous snake-woman I’ve losyt a lot of my self confidence. And concidering my self confidence, if personified at it’s best, would be a nigthly caller to the Samaritans, I’ve been a little reserved at best. So this quite naive and gentle relationship thing is lovely. I’m nervous and shy and all the things that make the youth days of relationships so exciting. When I kissed her goodnight (and felt so relieved to feel her kissing back) I started grinning. As I wlaked off I must have looked like a Cheshire cat. I am happy. I’m expecting nothing and I’m going verrryyyy slowly!Firstly because I have the repurcussions at work, but mainly, I think, because I’m enjoying myself. I’m content.

And that feeling, my friends, has rarely visited me since November, and never without certain brewed beverages.

Maybe my luck is on the change, or maybe it’s exactly the same and things work out. Either way, I’m proud of myself for letting myself try to do the relationship thing again and for giving myslef the time to enjoy it. I’m usually a little too head over heals. This time, although I’m admittedly a little smitten, I’m holding back, partly due to fear and again partly due to enjoyment.

In other news I’m pretty much the same- loving my job, loving my colleagues and loving my friends. Tom’s back on the up people- look out world!


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July 3, 2010


July 3, 2010

She is indeed completely gorgeous. I would say worth a squirty but that sullies the purity of you dating of which I wholeheartedly approve. LOVE YOU! Lee Mee xXx

July 3, 2010

^^^ Hey I can’t swear! Change your OD settings so I can swear at you you ****ing great cockgoblin bitch bastard. Lee Mee xXx

July 3, 2010

Eeeee, you’re a-courtin’? YAAY! xxx

July 3, 2010

Aww, yay for first dates 🙂 xx

July 3, 2010

this makes me smiley for you, man. good idea taking things slow, the rewards definitely outweight the waiting-ness. I hope you’re having an awesome now over there. *peace signs and smiley faces*