And lo, the Prodigal Wossname Returneth!

Finally, I get the chance to write another entry!

Blimey, these past couple of weeks have been a touch on the hectic side! First Jury duty, then becoming a part of the case as a fellow juror and I were followed home and intimidated by a member of the defence, then I started my new job as playscheme manager! MY GOD IS IT GOOD FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday: I taught the kids how to make origami sampans and Spanish galleons made out of water bottles! Then we watched a video, then went out to play. Home time.

Tuesday: Went on a visit to a hydroelectric power plant inside a mountain, had a water fight in a lake, played on a park. Got back, watched a video, went out to play. Home time.

Wednesday: Made a papier mache rockpool to use in a magnetic fishing game, watched a video, went out to play. Home time.

Thursday: Went down the beach all day. Home time

Friday: Went to the park, had lunch. Came back, watched Count Duckula, had a water fight. Home time.

And I get paid for this folks!

Yeah, all in all I’m actually enjoying my life lately which makes a very pleasant change from staggering around bored to tears! And I’m having to test a load of games for my other job so I have my evenings filled with delight too!

Ummmm… what else to say?? Oh yeah, I now don’t get paid for three weeks and have only got five pounds left to live on, so any charitable donations would be gratefuly recieved! Heh!

Anyway, time to get on with work!

Love Me (someone has to!)


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August 7, 2005

And here was me just about to go find your diary and tell you its high time you updated! Well done reading my mind! Well done indeed!

sounds like you are having more fun than me!

August 8, 2005

Wow someone followed you home?!?!? That would have creeped me out! I would have been like look lady (even if it is a man.. the great insult) I dont get paid enough for Jury duty to put up with this! Either that or carry some mase! Your job sounds fun… I want to get paid to go to the beach

August 8, 2005

ryn: i’ll take that into consideration! thanks for being so interested 🙂 hehe glad you’re back!

August 8, 2005

And speaking of back, I’m writing my first return entry. Screw getting my diary all pretty first!