A Year of Cheer, and Probably Beer

– / January –
|| does your town get a lot of snow? No, we island folk only get unattractive weather
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in january? Yes, my dear old mother, bless her little cardboard socks
|| do you go out in the snow if it does snow? Yes. Last time I buried my friends car and played till 23:30
|| do you like hot chocolate? Only to drink. I don’t like it poured into my eyes- it is inconvenient
|| do you do anything special for new year’s day? Yes, lie in bed nursing a hangover and lying to myself that I’ll never do it again…
|| is this your favorite month? Not really. It smells of hammers.

– / February –
|| do you give out valentines to anyone? Yes… but I’ve only ever recieved one due to my grotesquity
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in february? No, it is the month of the damned
|| do you eat a lot of candy on valentine’s day? no more than usual- gorging isn’t a hobby of mine… yet…
|| do you have a valentine every year? No, for reasons earlier mentioned…
|| have you ever had a valentine? Only once. However, it wasn’t edible so I got indigestion. I’m not sure either…
|| is this your favorite month? No, it is not

– / March –
|| are you irish? No. Blarney blarney.
|| do you wear green on st. patrick’s day? Only if I’m sneezed on. Blarney
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in march? I might do- I don’t ever remember though… Blarney
|| do you like the color green? Only natural greens. On plants. It looks pleasantly decorative
|| do you believe that four leaf clovers bring luck? No, but I enjoy their creamy taste
|| is this your favorite month? No, it is a pox upon me

– / April –
|| does it rain a lot near you in april? I live in Britain- it’s only ever sunny when we shoot raindancers.
|| do you celebrate easter? No- religion smells of cabbage.
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in april? Yes. My brother and my Sister. Bless…
|| do you believe in the easter bunny? Strangely no. I believe in the St. Swithens badger though. And the Mickelmas Goat
|| have you ever been in an easter egg hunt? Yes. Though I don’t celebrate easter, the chocolate is always holy
|| is this your favorite month? No, it is expensive and mediocre

– / May –
|| do you like flowers? Yes, they are lovely. And functional when needing an umbrella for a midget. Possibly called Terry.
|| if so, what is your favorite kind of flower? White lillies and white roses are wonderful things.
|| do you get spring allergies? I have never had an allergic reaction from a spring- I am metal proof.
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in may? Um… squidy from whom I stole this survey…
|| do you treat your mom well on mother’s day? No, I set fire to her and steal her trosers. That is a lie
|| is this your favorite month? Not really, it reminds me of the Duchess of Kent. That is another lie.

– / June –
|| what day does your school get out? Get out? What, have they all been sent to prison?
|| do you go to summer camp? No, but I have been known to act camp in summer- does that count?
|| where do you go during june? To bed, to work, to… ummm…. other places. Delhi maybe?
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in june? What is it with the birthday obsession here?
|| do you treat your dad well on father’s day? No, I accuse him of witchcraft and dunk him in the village pond. Duh.
|| is this your favorite month? No, it is too warm.

– / July –
|| do you go to summer camp during this month? No. I don’t like them. I feel they are actually Nazi training camps.
|| do you do anything special for the 4th of July? No. This is because I am English and have no interest celebrating odd American things. 
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in july? Possibly. I don’t know really. Ghandi?
|| do you go on any vacations in july? No, as I am so poor i simply treat myself to a break in my lounge.
|| do you go swimming a lot? I used to swim for my county but now I don’t. This is due to laziness…
|| is this your favorite month? No, the tempreatures are inclement for me.

– / August –
|| do you go on vacation in august? Stop with the bloody holiday questions!
|| have you ever had a summer love? Yes, but I was very young- I know better now
|| do you go back to school in august? No, as I’m far too venerable to have to go to such places
|| do you go to summer camp during this month? Shut up about summer camp… bloody hell!
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in august? Don’t know.
|| is this your favorite month? No, it is like a poison wind blowing through my life.

– / September –
|| do you go back to school during September? I don’t have to learn anymore! I have reached my potential- that is sad
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in september? I don’t care… Mussolini and his dog, Phillip
|| do you like school? It was a dripping pool of monkey vomit. Called Ted Watford-Bushammer
|| do you go big time school shopping? No, my lovely mother always bought everything
|| do you like fall? It is called Autumn you fool. Yes it is charmingly colourful and sprinkles droplets of love into the shining eyes of bunny rabbits. This may not be a fact, go and watch rabbits and report back.
|| is this your favorite month? It is pleasant enough. Like jam.

– / October –
|| do you decorate your house for Halloween? No, I think it’s corporate rubbish
|| do you party on Halloween? No more than usual
|| do you go trick or treating? No, as that is no

t what Hallowe’en is supposed to be about.
|| what costumes have you been in the past? N/A, unles you are not just questioning about Hallowe’en
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in October? Yes, me. I assume I know me, though I’m not sure.
|| is this your favorite month? I suppose it is the closest I’m going to get to the best

– / November–
|| do you like turkey? It is a lovely country, full of history, culture, atmosphere and dead ANZACS, Brits and Canadians
|| does your whole family get together for thanksgiving? No, because I’m English and don’t ever thank anyone for anything.
|| do you go away for thanksgiving? Not because it’s Thanksgiving.
|| do you know anyone whose b-day is in November? Yes, my wrinkled father and his teeth.
|| have you ever seen a live turkey? Yes. I once rode one round a field. Though that could have been a horse.
|| is this your favorite month? It isn’t too bad, but the devil is

– / December –
|| do you get a lot of presents for the holidays? A few, but I don’t celebrate Christmas so not that many really.
|| do you celebrate Christmas? No
|| do you celebrate Chanukah? No, judaism isn’t my bag
|| do you celebrate Kwanzaa? No, because I don’t like have that many a’s so close together
|| do you knows anyone whose b-day is in December? Supposedly some bloke called Jesus who got nailed to a tree.
|| is this your favorite month? It often has the nicest weather

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September 3, 2005

BABES! I want a note on every entry to show you read all my new ones, since you haven’t updated in AGES! Plus, it doesn’t matter how many notes I get (Even on my last diary I got just as many, remember!) You are always the first one I look for and read. So there. Lianne Marie xXx

September 3, 2005

*Cries pathetically* I’ve tried! I can’t! It won’t let me. It hates me. Lianne Marie xXx

September 3, 2005

You make me want food. You are evil. It is too early for food! I must bake cookies….

September 3, 2005

w00t! I got jacked by an Englishman! your answers cracked me up, and by that I mean they made me laugh a lot. I’m not prone to breakage. *peace signs and smiley faces*

September 3, 2005

oh, and RYN: I can’t ever get MSN to load up for me, so I only use Yahoo! Messenger. if you ever get that, I’m “loopymccheese,” feel free to throw something at me.

September 3, 2005

RYN: bah well, we’ll just have to communicate through notes here, then. it’s all gooo. hope your work day is going well!

September 3, 2005

There you go! Yay! Although it does freak me out sometimes that there are notes less than 5 minutes after I post an entry – do they sit online waiting for me!?!?! LOVE YOU! Lianne Marie xXx

September 3, 2005

your front page – thoroughly amusing! hehehe possum

September 4, 2005

By the way TOM YOU COMPLETE B*STARD. MY bithday is in December… and who do you mention? JESUS. Lianne Marie xXx

September 4, 2005

Sweetieboo. You are NOT repressed! Are you? *Looks worried* R u online right now? Yay I’ll hook into msn! Lianne Marie xXx

September 4, 2005

RYN: yeah, I only like to eat them when my inner wall is nice and thick, and that takes a little time to develop by drinking lots of coating gels, which I don’t do often ’cause they give me indigestion. your notes made me laugh AGAIN. weirdo, lol.

September 4, 2005

:O I just noticed you make my brainmate want food. that’s a GIFT! and RYN: LOL! you just don’t quit with it. chocolate knees would be interesting and tasty, but if you eat them, they’d hinder moving around, and stuff. silly knees bein’ all vital for walking. *fists at that*

September 4, 2005

RYN: LOL!!! stop or I’ll really explode from all the laughing! *mind-fists* lol

September 22, 2005

I’m stealing this, dear. xxx

LOL that was great mate. Had to copy it just so I could try and out do some of your answers.