NoJoMo #4
I like today’s prompt: Name something imaginary you wish were real.
Where do I even start? I’ve always been a big fan of superheroes, and from the time I was very small I wished superpowers were real so I could have one. Specifically, I wanted to be able to stop time and read people’s thoughts. (This is WAY before Twilight, Sookie Stackhouse, or any of those things – I just wanted to know what people were thinking!) I’m not sure why I wanted to be able to stop time, other than that when I was ten my family moved far away from where I’d grown up and I wanted to be able to go see my friends and family whenever I wanted. I suppose a better wish might have been for teleportation, in retrospect…
So it would be cool if superpowers were real, although I realize that the entire concept of superheroes is based on the fact that only a small portion of the population would have such powers – and it would suck if other people had superpowers and I didn’t!
Anyhow, that’s something imaginary I wish were real. Just sayin’.
Now back to my mundane life, where today’s excitement will include a trip to the grocery store. Whee!
lol. I would like to read people’s thoughts, too. I actually have way too much fun in grocery stores. Seriously. I guess I just REALLY love food!
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I always wanted to know the complete truth without a doubt about rapists and child molesters and have the power to vaporize them. Now questions asked.
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Being invisible would be pretty cool… and probably scary too. lol and the whole being naked while invisible thing is pretty scary too
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I always wanted to fly. =)
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