NoJoMo #10
Today’s trauma involved our lovely little Albert dog:
DH found him in front of my apartment building in Miami ten and a half years ago when we had only been dating a few months. He’s a poodle mixed with god only knows what, and he is the best little dog EVER. We think he’s about 12 years old now, and two days ago I felt a lump on his side, so I took him to the vet where DH’s sister is a tech today.
They found this:
Apparently the lump I felt was attached to a much larger mass, which basically was inhabiting his entire abdominal cavity. At first we thought we might have to put him down, but the vet did an ultrasound and didn’t see any additional lesions, so they did exploratory surgery and removed the mass (and part of his intestine which had been compromised). DH’s sister texted him a picture of the mass they took out, it was enormous and disgusting. She stayed with Albert for a while, he woke up from the anesthesia just fine and we should be able to bring him home tomorrow.
So that was my big stressor today. I’m glad he’s going to be okay, I was freaking out a little bit about the possibility of having to put him down. Let’s hope he recovers from the surgery quickly!
wow, that is huge. I’m glad it wasnt cancerous and they could get it. Albert is lucky.
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Wow, that’s huge. And they don’t know exactly what it is? So glad he got through surgery okay and hope he heals well & fast. Poor doggy.
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