Back to reality

We’re home – we actually got home on Monday night, but I’ve been wrapped up in the details of unpacking/cleaning/getting ready for the surprise party I’m having for DH’s 40th birthday on Saturday night.  I’m starting to freak out about that a little bit – lots of last-minute RSVP’s and no idea how this is going to work out, but so far at least he doesn’t seem to have any idea it’s happening, so that’s good.  I’m hoping my FIL can get him out of the house tomorrow afternoon, so far that’s the vaguest detail of all…that, and boarding our big dog who is just too jumpy to have around with so many people in the house.  It’s going to be great, if all goes as planned – DH’s best friend from high school is flying up from Miami to surprise him, and plenty of other friends will be here as well!  

I’m just worried about having enough food, enough drinks, enough everything…working on taking deep breaths and trusting that I’ve planned enough of all of it, and if we run out of food we can always order pizza, right?!

Eek.  I’ll catch up on everyone’s diaries soon.  Hope you had a wonderful Christmas & New Year’s, and wish me luck on Saturday! 

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January 6, 2012

Glad you all got home safe and sound and I hope your surprise party is a huge success. What a wonderful gift to give your husband! 🙂

That’s really awesome! I’m sure it will go well. 🙂 Some time when you aren’t so busy, I would love to make plans to meet up with you again! I only work on Wednesdays right now so I have time to make the jaunt. Maybe we could meet at Perimeter mall or something… Whatever works best for you.

January 6, 2012

I had a surprise 40th… it was nice 🙂 I’m sure there will be plenty of everything! 🙂