
what a night.

i went to chris’ last night after making some delicious beans, enchiladas, guac, and baklava. haha. the last part doesn’t really fit in, but yeah. so i made dinner and there were people over and chris’ son conor was there. conor and i had a thing sometime last year and by thing i mean we made out and heath saw and i wasn’t with heath but we were talking about getting together again and shit hit the fan. remember this? i handled the situation poorly and it blew up and conor called me all these names and i ended up with heath.

things have finally smoothed over with conor and he was there for dinner last night and dinner was fantastic. after dinner everyone hung around and played music and conor went out to smoke a cigarette and i followed him out. we were chatting and he was telling me about bugs. haha, yeah, bugs. like why there are brown spots on leaves because of wasps taking the cholorophyl and using it in their nests and stuff. either way, he asked me if i wanted to hang out after everyone went to sleep. we went to the japanese tea gardens (illegally) and walked around and ended up swimming in the pool at my apartment. we were swimming and he was like, "come here, i think you have something on your face."

and he kissed me while i was searching frantically for a bug or a booger.

when conor and i first had that encounter at fiesta last year, i remember climbing on top of him in my car and, after some heavy drinking and heavy making out, i told him that if we ever had sex it would be perfect. sometimes you just know.

so we end up in my apartment and we’re kissing and we’re wearing towels and suddenly we’re not wearing towels and we’re making out and he’s telling me that he’s had a thing for me forever and i knew this, but i was still surprised. he was like, "you’re moving monday and i wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if i hadn’t kissed you before you moved."

we had sex. i don’t think it’ll be weird. i don’t really care if it’s weird. it was totally worth it. i mean TOTALLY worth it.

i’ve always had a thing for conor. i’ll stalk him and post a picture. he plays guitar, he’s tall, he works out, he’s a little eccentric but he’s funny. he has these green eyes and seriously, he’s just hot.

after, he pulled me to him and he said, "i really just want to be close to you right now." and he held me while we slept and he held me this morning when i crawled back into bed after calling into work.

i have cameron in nine days and i was trying to hold out until then, but this was completely unexpected. i’m not with cameron, either. i don’t feel bad.

i feel great and it’s been a long time since i’ve had sex and…wow. conor.



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August 4, 2011
August 4, 2011

Woo! I love spontaneous flings like that. Sex is awesome and doesn’t always have to be complicated.

August 4, 2011

conor and you – cute. that’s not really the right word, but…it’s like, la de daaa fairy tale for a night. NINE days. good lord, i’m getting antsy for this cameron shiz.

August 4, 2011

LOVE this. It sounds too perfect!

August 4, 2011

so glad you had fun 🙂 you deserve it. and soon!! cameron cameron cameron