
i leave for vegas in less than 48 hours, i found an awesome new job at a place i’ve loved since i was a kid, and i bought a scooter.

we’ve been scrambling around all morning trying to clean things and throw away perishable food. life is different when you’re an adult with responsibilities and your own apartment. we’re going to his parents’ tonight for his birthday dinner and several of his friends are coming over. eric will be 22. he’s almost exactly a year and a half younger than i am. actually, it’s a year and a half plus one week. the strongest feeling i have toward eric right now is knowing he is there. physically, emotionally. he is always there in any way i need him. i’m not always kind to him, but like i’ve said almost every entry, i cannot imagine my life without him. we’re both so excited for this trip —  it’s almost unreal. i tell strangers. we’ve counted down for months and it’s almost shocking that it’s so close.

i bought a bad ass scooter. it’s not the nicest brand, but it’s new and two tone and it’s mine.

things have been on the up and up since i stopped working at piranha. i applied to several places last week and i was hired at two. i’m going to end up working at a steak place that has the best chicken fried steak in the world. there’s a tree growing through the restaurant, it has old wood floors, and i’ve been going there since i was a kid. it’s going to be awesome.

on the flip side, i had a rough day yesterday. i took eric’s sister carlee shopping for an 8th grade graduation dress. i wasn’t a spectacular 8th grader and i know i was a shit head, but carlee is so painful to be around. she was pissed because her mom only gave her $30 for a dress after having already given her much more, she refused to shop sales, and she trash talked eric the whole time. we found two dresses for under $30 at a second hand shop i frequent a lot, but she wanted to continue window shopping. prior to leaving, eric’s mom cornered me and told me that eric and i should be on the same insurance plan. she pushed for about fifteen minutes. this makes me unhappy for several reasons. eric wasn’t anywhere around. i don’t want to be on an insurance policy with eric; i’m not even sure we can be on the same insurance policy, but even if we could i still wouldn’t. we’re not married. i’m so tired of eric’s parents butting into our lives. eric was working with his dad yesterday on something that should’ve taken two hours, max. four hours later they hadn’t even started on it and we had dinner plans with our friends. i showed up at 5:15 to pick eric up and he told me that it would be another two hours, at least, and we needed to cancel dinner. no way.

we’d had plans for a week. i could respect finishing the job if that had been eric’s first engagement, but it wasn’t. it’s also not my problem that eric’s dad is completely incompetent and unorganized. eric’s dad knew he had plans and still fucked around all afternoon. i left, visibly angry, and eric called me to come get him. we argued on the phone and eric told me later that his dad repeatedly tried to grab the phone from eric to talk to him.

this infuriates me.

we’re not twelve. i would’ve completely lost it if eric’s dad tried to say anything to me. seriously. i respect eric’s family and i am never rude or pushy. i keep quiet. it’s not going to continue this way if they do not respect me or eric or our relationship. they aren’t exactly model citizens. financial problems, marital problems, racial issues…you name it. it’s all there.


anyway, good things ahead. i can feel it. prepare yourselves for an incredible amount of pictures over the next week and a half.




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May 20, 2012

Have so much fun!

May 20, 2012

Yay for Vegas and your new job (with a tree growing inside) and your two-tone scooter. That’s badass. Bad. Ass. Speak up with Eric’s parents…. It’s worth it to set boundaries.

May 21, 2012