
for the first time in years, maybe ever, i took a shot at the doctor’s office alone today. it was a steroid shot in my butt and it hurt so bad and it’s strange, but this is the biggest sign in ages that i’m an adult. be forewarned — it hurts like a mother fucker.

i miss my life on OD. i feel a disconnect between myself when i don’t write or i don’t have time to write. it’s the easiest way to connect with myself and i’ve been feeling more and more out of touch.

work is incredibly busy. eric and i booked our trip to vegas for may 22nd and on the 24th we fly from vegas to san diego until june 1st. it’s going to be an awesome and well-deserved vacation, but i’m still worried about us.

i don’t really want to write about it because i hate writing about shitty stuff and i still can’t figure out if it’s him or me or living together or all of the above, but i spend a lot of time wishing things would go back to the way they were. some days i feel like i’ve incapacitated him more than he was to begin with; other days i feel like i’ve worn him down mentally. either way, i’m not winning and he isn’t either.

i am so irritable all the time. i don’t know if it’s my anemia, i don’t know if i’m depressed, i don’t know if i’m just worn out. i typically know myself inside and out, so having this many unknowns is even more stressful.

i keep hoping that in time, eric and i will mesh things togther. i talk to friends about it and they assure me that sometimes it takes a bit of time to work out schedules and boundaries.

it is so typicallly me to have someone who treats me so wonderfully and desire something else. i absolutely despise and disrespect myself for this. i’m trying to flip it, to remind myself of what i have.

when it comes down to it, i need to grow. i need someone to show me things instead of always showing eric things. he’s always asking how to do things and why things are a certain way and to explain other things and i appreciate his curiousity, but i wish he’d take the initiative to learn them himself. i wish he didn’t rely on me so much. i wish it was more of an intellectual partnership than me leading the way. i think if i could be patient it would be wonderful, but my patience is wearing thin and my feelings reflect that.

i feel lost.

i’ve lost fifteen pounds. i will undoubtedly lose more as i continue to work as much as i am. it doesn’t bring me the joy it used to.

tell me something good.




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March 13, 2012

maybe when you have time write what your would want to say on a blank doc. and paste it later. you do that several days/entries. When i dont have internet access and i have something to say thats what i do.

March 13, 2012

There are good things and bad things about writing in OD. One on hand, you have to own your actions and come to terms with your feelings. On the other, you have to own your actions and come to terms with your feelings. It is both a pro and con. Sometimes I wish I could turn my brain off and go with the flow. Break away. Other times, I know it’s better in the long run to stay in tune with my feelings. Write about what’s troubling you and maybe you will have an epiphany….

March 13, 2012
March 16, 2012

i will tell you something good. we cannot choose what life gives us but we can choose how we react to what is given. i can choose to cry that i am no longer young well and strong or i can choose to be glad i woke to another day. the choice is always ours. peace.