A Bad Dream…
Dear diary…
a couple of days ago I had a really bad dream. Like a really REALLY bad dream. so I dreamt about my mom…she died. She was wrapped in white clothes. And my dad spoke to me: she doesn’t looks beautiful like this…so he painted the white clothe all black. Starting from her face and then the rest. And my oldest sister she didn’t really care as I just stood there beside my dad. No one was crying…not even me.
Then i woke up…and I was crying. In my sleep. It was more like sobbing. That exact moment I knew that it was a dream so wanted to stop crying but I couldn’t stop. My one spot of my pillow was filled with my tears…
And the worst thing was that I couldn’t open my eyes and I was still crying. My eyes were closed and I was crying. I was thinking like; hey…you woke up open your eyes its gone its oke…but I just couldn’t.
So after few minutes I eventually woke up and I was feeling broken. It felt like the feeling that I wasn’t feeling while dreaming…I was feeling it after I woke up. I was praying to myself that this dream doesn’t mean anything. And I never had this bad dream or woke up crying like this so it still is a shock for me. I really wanted to talk to someone, but who should I be telling?
I couldn’t tell my mom that I dreamt about her dying. Or my dad cause it fell weird. I cannot talk to my sisters cause the fight we have. Or my brother.
I’m still thinking about it. I’m typing this with weird feeling and eyes wet. I did tell my mom that these days I have weird and bad dreams but I couldn’t tell her about what. So she THE TYPICAL MOTHER took the ritual of taking the evil eyes off me. She’s sweet. I somehow felt better. Mothers have this MAGIC that just makes you feel better.
Your momma sounds sweet. How do you take the evil eyes off?
@celestialflutter well she used some kinds of dry food supplies I don’t know the name of. Then she burned them in tiny pan and she put the smoke around me. She does it often. It says that its good for the atmosphere of the family.
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Wow the dream sounds scary
@itsjustmarina it was
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