When it rains it pours…

Ugh.  Just when I think that maybe, just maybe I have a chance to catch up on everything something else goes wrong and I take a dozen steps backward.   This past Saturday it started with a pipe having a serious leak on my water tank.  So serious that my mother literally had to stay awake the entire night to keep dumping the bucket catching all the water ( nobody could come out to repair until Sunday).  We were lucky and thankfully for some family connections able to get a plumber to make the repairs for just $120. 

Last night I had an argument with D, went to bed late, overslept and never woke up for my alarm for work.  I should have been to work at 3:45am the latest and didn’t wake up until 3:55.  Thank God I work for an awesome group of people and when I called (in tears) they told me I could just take the night off, no problem.  I felt, and still feel, like a big piece of shit.  That’s not who I am.  I’ve never even been 5 minutes late for work, and now this?!  It’s irresponsible, makes me look like work isn’t a priority for me and it is. 

Then tonight…actually started off somewhat decent.  D’s paycheck had $400 in overtime alone ontop of his regular pay.  We really need it, still have to pay October mortgage on the rental property, that’s so awful.  Anyway, I was actually happy, figured we’d have enough money to pay October mortgage on the rental, November mortgage here and then catch up our utilities and have a real shot at catching up the rental mortgage for November, at least by the end of the month.  Then about 5 pm tonight our water stops working.  Nothing.  Not a drop of water from any faucet in the house.  I figure maybe the circuit braker needs to be flipped for the water pump in the well.  I wasn’t home, D happened to be at the house so I tell him to try it, no luck.  I call the plumber that came out Sunday and he said that it’s not the tank, it’s the pump in the well and he isn’t certified to deal with that.  He refers us to a buddy of his and I call him.  He was nice enough to come by (free of charge) to take a look, see what’s going on and give us an estimate.  Well our pump is gone.  Completely done for, motor is dead and the entire pump needs to be replaced.  Estimated cost (assuming there won’t be any major issues) $1200-1800.  There goes a mortgage payment somewhere.   And of course this results in me having to call out for work tonight after missing work last night.  I can’t go in for two reasons, first, I have no water and I can’t shower before work.  Second, I have to be here for the plumber at 8am, nobody else will be home tomorrow.  Lovely.

It’s 11:05pm and I just realized that today is the anniversary of Hunter’s death.  Nine years ago today I lost my step brother.  It’s been awhile since I’ve gone to visit him at the cemetary, D held me back from that, mostly unintentionally, but still.  Nine years is a long time.  I wish I’d thought of it sooner, I would have gone for a visit, brought some flowers by.    🙁

And that’s my life as I know it.  One thing after another.  And D wonders why I don’t seem happy whenever he sees me…

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November 6, 2008

Keep your chin up, look at it this way, once the divorce is final you won’t have to worry about the pump! Find the bright side in all of this, it will help you get through it. {{{{{hugs}}}}}

November 7, 2008
November 9, 2008

I love you. Hunter is watching over us. He knows we think of him even if we didn’t make it to see him. He’s proud of us. Probably up there laughing in disbelief that through it all here we are still laughing hysterically as we drive without a care in the world while our lives are so crazy. Just know he’s with us…he is our strength.