Final lawyer update

Well we received a letter from the lawyer today, regarding the situation with the rental property.  Let me preface this with a few things.  It’s been about two months or so since this whole thing began, the lawyer sent a letter to the office of Section 8 (basically because they approved the apartment as a 3br for 5yrs and it’s really not) saying that they should be responsible for the loss of rent we’ve experienced.  They were supposed to respond by the 2nd of Oct and haven’t responded.  I was told by our lawyer that if they didn’t respond she’d call them or send another letter.  However, I called her last week to let her know that I spoke with the Health Dept and was told that we can put a door on the living room, and then the "bedroom" that is too small for a bedroom can then become the living room.  In essence, that means that the apartment is STILL a 3 bedroom and they never needed to kick out the family that was living there. 

So, fast forward to today.  Our lawyer has decided that there is nothing further for them to do.  That because we are able to rent it as a three bedroom again, there’s no use in pursuing anything.  Argh.  How about the fact that last week we received a bill from the lawyer, for $1900, top that off with 4months loss of rent at $1050/month.  Hello!  I’m just not pleased with this at all.  When I first contacted the lawyer, she told us that we suffered "significant losses" and would be compensated.  Then after two weeks of research, told us that it was an issue with the statute of limitations because it’d been so many years since we bought the property.  Had she told us that the first time we spoke, we would not have pursued the matter at all.

So I plan on composing a letter tomorrow to send to the lawyer, explaining how unhappy I am with the service and that we never would have gone so far had we known we’d lose.  We are definitely not in a financial situation right now to be able to handle paying out when we’ve lost money the past four months.  We’ll see how they handle it, not pleasantly I imagine.


That’s the update for that situation. 🙂

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October 26, 2006

Sorry about your troubles! I’m in law school now and this is yet another example of how not to be someday! Hope things work out ~Random noter

October 27, 2006

oh wow sounds like quite a mess!! I hope everything works out. That is a lot of money to pay! glad you updated, I was beginning to worry 🙂 thanks for you notes, I did enjoy my scrapbooking, although we did more talking! lol have a good weekend!

October 27, 2006

ryn:thanks for the idea! that would be neat 🙂

November 2, 2006

Busy busy busy… 😉

November 3, 2006

that ridiculous! you have to pay someone $1900 for doing nothing? at least if things are resolved you can start getting money back from the rental property, right? ryn: its incredibly hard to believe its going to be so soon, but yes i am actually excited about it… maybe even happy, which is a nice change 🙂 i know that i want to be out of my dad’s house before horatio arrives. I think my best friend and i might try to find a place to rent around here for a while and then after the baby is here and im adjusted to that i might move back to boston. i really miss it 🙂 hopea ll is well with you!

November 9, 2006

ryn: oh, just over to catalina (island right off of the coast, like an hour boat ride). then we don’t have to spend anything on transportation really and can just have a good time and relax for 5 days… and not worry about airports and all that other nightmare stuff. 🙂

November 19, 2006

Where have you been?! I think it’s time for a new entry 🙂