
Brian and I and His Sister and her Husband were at the Viva El Paso Production, in El Paso, Texas. We were having Dinner and the BIL asked, what the Date was. The SIL said, the 10th. Brian said, It’s Nate’s Birthday. The BIL said, “He would of been 17.” Then we were quiet amidst our thoughts. Much later that night after Sarah got home from work she told me I didn’t make a Cake. (I always make a Cake on Nathan’s Birthday)… I just totally forgot. So much happening, people coming & going. I knew it was his Birthday but it just didn’t occur to me to make a Cake. It’s interesting to me what Siblings remember and expect. You can be CERTAIN that next year I will NOT Forget.

Then a few days later I had a Conversation with an ODer about Nathan turning 17. I will call her- *Friend* The Conversation went like this-

Friend: Wow 17 that would be hard to imagine I would think.
ME says: It is.
ME says: 17 is almost an adult.. 12 was in the middle of little boy and teenager.
Friend: Yeah preteen. 17 would be license, girlfriends and stuff.
Friend: Hormones.
ME says: Although I really can’t go there but if I allowed myself to, one would wonder what he would look like, what he would be into as in the things he would like? Would he have a Girl Friend? Would he of stayed that same sweet helpful kid or would he be more self centered now? Would he have his own Car? Would he have a Job? Would School finally would of Clicked for him. Would he of had big plans for College?
Friend: Yeah I was thinking the same things. He would look like a young man.
Friend: I guess it would be hard not to wonder.
ME says: What type of clothes would he of been into? Would he of been On Fire for God? Seems like what a Waste and yet not. He achieved the Goal of Life.. Heaven
Friend: Yeah he got to skip the hard part of life. He went straight to Heaven
ME says: He did.. Too Lucky there!
Friend: I think so.
Friend: Wow he is living what we can only dream and hope for.
ME says: yep
Friend: I wonder if when you get to Heaven if you are the age you was when you died. Old or Young.
ME says: I don’t know but I do know we will get New Heavenly Bodies.
Friend: I hope mine has great new teeth.
ME says: LOL
ME says: Oh Me too!
Friend: LOL
ME says: That’s funny!

What do you Hope for when you get to Heaven?

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August 21, 2001

That I will recognize Jake and that he will recognize me. I hope to see everyone that has gone on before me and catch up on everything.

What a neat conversation. I think I look for to the peace of heaven…no worries. Things will be right then and there won’t be the struggles we face now and the sadness.

My hope is that I don’t have just wood, hay and stuble.

Enlightenment,fulfilled faith and no surprises.

Great food for thought, *grin*. New teeth would be a great bonus but for me it’s the peace. no sorrow, and no pain that would be first and then the teeth I think. Hum, heaven? To finally meet Jesus. Reminds me of the song Safe in the Arms of Jesus. Happy 17th Birthday Nate, :). Luv and hugs my friend from the heart……

that somehow i can put my arms around my son again and hug him close.

To meet all the angels watching over my family, I’m positive we have many!!!

August 23, 2001

The biggest family reunion these bad eyes have never seen…I’ve lost many people I miss, but none has hurt so deeply as my great~granddaddy who passed when I was only 7…I am now 24 and somehow miss him the most…miss getting to know him as an adult and love him on that level beyond a childhood love…I still, 17 years later, wonder what he’d be like to my grown eyes…

August 23, 2001

RYN: Thanks for your sweet notes and I agree, they are precious pictures….LOL *head~swelling~

Relief. I hope for relief. RYN: I read Pet Sematary in 1984 I believe. I made my hubby stay with me while I finished reading it. Made him sit next to me, my arm through his, into the wee hours of the night. He slept. I shook. I loved it! LOL Then I woke him and made him bring the book out to the trunk of his car. Didn’t want it in my house after that. LOL WASHINGTON

August 23, 2001

Thanks for all your notes…enjoyed reading them! As for this question, what do I hope for in Heaven….I look forward to seeing family and friends that have gone there before me…I look forward to my new body (not too crazy about this present one..LOL) I look forward to no pain, sadness, and I look forward to being in God’s presence in a way I’ve never been before!

August 23, 2001

I am the same age as your son would have been…Ive thought about that alot.

To SEE what I’ve studied and read and believe. That street of gold, the River of life, my mansion, the everlasting joy, no sorrow, the peace, the prophets that I’ve read, the 12 diciples (includes Judas’ replacement), family, but most of all I’m looking forward to seeing Jesus.

to hear well done .laura