~We did It

I was remembering the time with my son… He had been caught by my neighbor with his pants down in her daughter’s room when he was 5 y/o. But then within a week I caught them. The first time I ignored it and let the Mom talk to them. The second time I talked to them. But the Third time The Mom caught them again and I could see that Talking was out the door and a Spanking was in order…

So My son was in his room and I asked, “What did you do?” He then said…….. “WE DID IT!” ……..OMGOSH! THEY DID IT!!! I am freaking!!!!!!! THEY DID IT!!! The thoughts that are running through my head! I didn’t know where he could of learned about *Doing it* Unless it was from this little girl who was subjected to many things on TV, and who had a Brother who seemed to be more knowledgable than he needed to be at 8 years old. I am trying to keep my face non-surprised as he continues to tell me over again that *THEY DID IT!* He started to cry as he is telling me this and I WANT TO KNOW just what it is they did and At the same time hoping it is NOT what my mind is thinking!…

Well I did get it out of him as to *WHAT* they did, and I breathed a sigh of relief that it was NOT what my Worldly Mind was thinking… Basically they were just playing Doctors…. And after that day they NEVER played it again… or at least they were never caught again.

This is a Bittersweet Thought, cause Oh how I wish he was here so I could tease him about this….. Remember when you said,… “We Did it?”

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