*Trusting again*

I haven’t any Grief thoughts to post of late. So I haven’t written anything here.

2 things that come to mind is:
Last night at the Grief Group we had a new gal who had a miscarriage at 2 months.
And my first thought was, Why is she here? She can’t possibly understand what we have been through. Come on it was only 2 months in the Womb. Shake it off!
(I Know that that is really insensitive of me. I don’t deny having troubles iunderstanding miscarriages).
Most of the women I have known that had a Miscarriage figured something was wrong with the baby and that’s why that happened and they press on and try again. It’s not something they dwell on and allow to suck them down.

A group of Women who have had Miscarriages would be a better group. They understand each other’s feelings, well.

We sat and listened to how she felt. Up-front she said she couldn’t totally relate to us..
She shared how they waited to have kids and then when they choose to have Kids it wasn’t happening. X amount of years worth of trying have past. She said the day she heard the heart beat they went out and bought everything a baby would need. She said she came to the meeting cause she struggled now in Trusting God. Her faith had been shaken. She wanted to know how other ladies felt and how they were able to attain their Trust again.
And that was a question for the other Ladies to answer.. "When did you begin to Trust in God again?" The answers varied. Some never stopped Trusting God… and some still struggle with Trusting God. Many said that their Prayer Life was changed.

I am really glad she came and didn’t seem to feel akwards about her Grief being different.  As she spoke, many of the feelings and things she was going through was the same as what we all have experienced.
It was good  for her to be there for her and good for the other Ladies to hear about Grief in another way. Even a couple of Ladies spoke up and said they had had Miscarriages and how they felt at the time.. A few said that they had several Miscarriages and that the 1st one was the hardest. They shared how they didn’t get as excited or tell others about following Pregnancies till they really started showing.

It was a different evening. I think we will all learn something having this woman share. My Last thought– Well I felt differently from my 1st thought. More sensitive, more understanding of her loss.

I hope she comes back.

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April 30, 2005

“…it was only 2 months in the womb….shake it off”. That is painful to read – probably more painful to endure.

April 30, 2005

as you said she suffered from grieve. I have not lost a child, nor a parent, but I have lost hope, dreams, the failure of a marriage I thought should last forever and other things that cause us to grieve. There are smany stong and important losses I cannot comprehend but will be there someday. I know I never ever say, “I know what you are going through” because I do not

May 5, 2005

It sure sounds like things have changed for your since we met up on March 13, 2000….I plan on reading and catching up as you were one of my favorites way-back-when. I’m glad to have found you again. I am in the process of reading my OD from beginning to end. Lots of insight this time around. Ah, what we would do with hindsight??????

June 15, 2005

She was grieving for something that she would never hold, not for someone that she held but lost. I have never miscarried but can understand her pain. It makes me sad that there are so many people wanting babies and so many babies in this world that aren’t wanted or taken care of properly. I agree with those women though…..that fetus may have had problems.