IN MEMORY OF NATHAN8-10-84 TO 8-28-96

Nah-Nah-Nah; “Don’t Wanna go Nite Nite, Golly Scram!”; Torturing Bugs leg by leg; Big Wheel; “I, I, I Can’t Do It!”; Shaving Your Bugies with the Plug in of the Joy Stick; Eating Everything-Buttons, Stuffed Animals, Plants, Lot of Food; Your Thumb & Blanket; Sesame Street; Playing Billy Goats Gruff; Colic for 1st 3 months; “Fooey!”; Don’t hit me Titter!”; Couldn’t Walk & Eat at the Same Time; “I’m not a Crybaby, I’m a Girl!”; Walking at 16 Months; Your Bear-Bear; Atwater, CA; Eating a Mushroom from the lawn, Loving the Ipecac & Waiting for the Outcome; Your Sweet innocent Looking Eyes; Getting Your 1st 4 Teeth at 3 Months; Very, very Sensitive; “Do you have Panties?”; Your First Snow; “And Suddenly!”; “Sorry Titter!”; England; “What a Lovely Day!”; Playing in the Sand Box; Cookie Monster Cake; 9.5 pounds at Birth; “Mama Do It!”; Big Purple Mural on the Wall; The Plate of Barbecue Sauce; Tennis Shoes that Make You Jump Higher; Sitting on Daddy’s Lap the entire Flight From New York to England; Colorado Springs, CO; Wrestling with Dad; Your 1st Buzz; Ice fishing; Hot Wheels; G.I. Joe men; Swimming Lessons; Frosted Flakes; Cocoa Puffs; Sledding; Pepperoni Pizza; 12 Candles on Your Last Cake; The Ninja Kick You Did to the Car; Getting on those *Silly Highs*; Pogs; Collecting Bugs; Digging Holes in the Backyard; Taylor, Gabe & Tyler; “I get the Front Seat”; Otto, Your Cocker Spaniel; Skate Boarding; Reading with Mom; Library Programs; Skate City; Sitting on a Skate going Down the Street and Around the Corner; Sneaking to the Ditch and 7-11; Little Debbie Snacks; Fried Eggs; Your Love for Football & Betting With Dad who would Win; A&W Rootbeer; Hair Gel & Mousse; Catching the Biggest Fish; Fishing until We were Numb; Trix; Your Hysterical Laugh; Playing Kick the Rock; Finding You at the Forbidden Apartments; Spiked Hair; Fruit Loops; Your Bike, “I’ll Get the Mail!”; Black Leather Jacket & Sunglasses-Looking Cool!; Tent Sleeping in Gabe’s Backyard; Microscope; GooseBump Books; That Goofy Talk that All the Moms Hated Their Sons Doing too; Roller Blades; Remote Control Cars; Mowing the Lawn; Favorite Color-Black; “Pass the Chicken!”; Your last Movie-Toy Story; The Zoo; Shooting Hoops at the School; Rocks; Frontier Elementary; Challenger Middle School; Monopoly & Life; Your 1st Dog, Kiki; Being SO Funny!; Your Car Cards; Alicia (the Girl you Liked); “Where does God get His Power…His Ring?”; Shoveling Snow; Game Boy; Rubber Band Gun; Apple Jacks; 6th Grade High Trails Trip; Learning Homework From Dad; Leggo’s; Walkie-Talkies; Cocoa & Fruity Pebbles; Going down the basement to watch TV at 3:00am; Computer-Warcraft & Doom; Your Hugs; Santa’s Workshop; Brushing Mom’s Hair; Glow in the Dark Stickers; Playing with Sarah’s Hair; Tonka Trucks; Playing in the Cul-de-sac; Slinging the Green Slime thing on the Ceiling(it was still there till we moved); Swimming in the Backyard; Ditching Royal Rangers; Giving Your Only Pair of Gloves Away to a Friend in Need; Doing the P.P Dance; Stickers on the Wall & Dresser; Q-Zar; Getting in Trouble at School, Mom & Dad Sticking up For You, Then Telling Mom a Year Later.. You Really Did it!; Pushing the Cart & Carrying the Heaviest bags to the Car; Nintendo; Charlotte Hornets-Your Favorite Team; Kool-aid; Hunting For You After Services on Wednesday Nights; Ninja Turtles; Comic Cards; Rolo’s; Farrish; Always Trying to Scare Mom; Using Weighs to Build Your Muscles; Playing Catch in the Street; Making a Snowman; Sardines in Mustard; One of Your Favorite Times of the Year-July 4th; Black Bunkbed; Black Toothbrush; Black Pants, Shirt, Shoes; Baseball; Soccer; Taking out the Trash; Putting Maddison to Sleep; Always Waning to Help; Indian Projects; Getting Your Sister to Laugh; Your Thoughtfulness; Cookie Dough Ice cream; Sliding Down the Stairs on Your stomach-Head First; Rock Climbing; Playmobile Stuff; Chasing the Kids down the Street; Playing G.I. Joes; Playing Cops & Robbers; Pinewood Derby-2nd Place Show; Shooting Rubber Bands; Corn Pops; Poptarts; Secretly Listening to Forbidden Music at Night Under the Covers; Writing Sentences; Teasing Friends & Family; Bowling; Telescope; All the Ceramic Things You made; Mountasia; Playing Pool & Ping Pong; Shredded Wheat; Walking Otto; Chickening out With Mom to Not go on Certain Rides at DisneyLand & Universal Studios; Basketball; Catching Lizards; Van Tennis Shoes; Flannels with Hoods; Sagging Your Pants; Hide-n-Seek in the Mall on December 24th; The Time Dad Tried to Pull Your Bottom Tooth and Knocked out Your Top Tooth; Those Clown Lips; Trips to California; “Meow!”; Camping; Dad Singing Happy Birthday to You in *Scooby-do Talk*; Dad Hugging You Close; Dad Scruffing Your Hair; Dad Praying over You while you Slept; “I Got the Best!” (you sure did) Going Home………….

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August 20, 2000

This is the thing I made in Memory of my Son. It is many of his sayings, the things he did, the things he liked. I made many copies and put them in Frames. Added his picture & gave a copy to all the Relatives.

1.That’s so neato. I had alot of fun reading that and knowing that my two daughters shared 95% of the same goodies in life as young children. I could see their little faces and hear their voices and even see all

2.all those different cereals being poured at my house too and those snacks and movies seen. We went to see Toy Story as part of one of Angels 14 hours of constant going places “FUN” birthday parties.

3.I think it would be a great idea if we all made those and put them into frames for our children to leave home with and one to keep for ourselves. A GRRRRRRRRRRRRTTT Idea. Blessings;friend 🙂

Actually I think this is such a neato idea that I really must ‘CLICK’ Reader’s Choice…:) Everyday that I come on…hehe Just a kiddin’ about the everyday part. God bless you!

August 21, 2000

I have thought about doing one of these for My Daughter too. The one on my Son hangs on the Wall as one walks in the house. I thought I could hang the one on my Daughter across from it…..when I do it.


you should read Pinklady’s Memory Lane. It’s wonderful and the memories of our childhood. I think you will enjoy it bunches. I loved it. Bye bye and blessings!

This is nice. Such a good idea.

I like your idea of doing one for each of your children. That would be really special.

Reply to note: the new issue isn’t out. Let me see if it is really in there and I’ll let you know.

This was an absolute joy to read. I bet it was a joy to write as well. 🙂

Such wonderful memories. I should do something like this. My kids love having me tell them all the great, and not so great things they’ve done.

may u never forget those wonderful memories & let none of us take for granted the little ones around us

August 21, 2000


And probably a thousand more memories…millions. Enjoyed this reading. This is a very horrible time of year for you. I am thinking of you and Nathan.

I really enjoyed reading this. Made me realize just how much I had forgotten with my own kiddos. Thank you for sharing a part of his life with us.

August 22, 2000

What great memories!!God Bless you!!!:O)

Wow, this is really special! I’ve thought about trying to do this about Ben.


I’m glad that you spent quality time with your children. I try to do the same. My ex complains that they aren’t involved in enough “activities.” {CONT}

My son takes karate and started football this year; my daughter takes dance and started pep squad this year. Things are busy right now, but I still make the special times with them. Thanks for your insight!

this is beautiful and i love the way you wrote it up:)


Aw. Thanks for the notes on my Od. I really appreciated them. 🙂 God bless.

Beautiful, dear one. Love never dies.

a grand memory…..such a honor for you all (spirit under repair)

Just stopping by to check on you. The closer it gets to the 28th, the more I think of you. God Bless You.

The other day I noticed something. I noticed that when the word email or an http address was on notes it had a line put under it and the little hand would show up to click on it to go there. NOW it is gone. ??????

hi friend, i read all the diaries and they are great!!!!

You have EMAIL opendiary…Sat.26/00 reply to your email to me. ‘Chatty Cathy’ has called on you. GO READ NOW…uhmmm I mean ‘when you have time and would like to do so.’ I am being nice so don’t tell me Gotobed!

P.S. (whispers to M o U s E r) let me know with a note of your o w n I f Y oU gOt i t. 🙂

this is very sweet and I hope it helps you with your lost,I made some copies of my truth Mom’s photo and gave to some of my Aunts 😉

thanks for the note and i am glad I made you laugh,and well 3 blocks around us was kind of hard if we actually had an emergency 😉

August 27, 2000

beautiful, 🙂 hugs

this is so beautiful and touching. and it’s a darn shame you had to write it in memory of. parents should not outlive their children! take care

The Lord keep you very close to Himself these next few weeks. God bless,

It’s now 8-28-00, and I know how terribly painful these anniversary dates can be. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time.

On my daughter’s 46th birthday, I made her a “box of memories”. I typed up all those memories, cut them apart and put them in a box along with a letter about how much she meant to me. She loved it!!

My heart goes out to you on this day, the 28th. As you know, I just survived Mike’s birthday and my prayers are with you on this anniversary of Nathan’s death. Such sweet memories you have!

I read some of your earlier entries about your son. I cannot even begin to tell you how much this moves me. I have not lost a child, but this is exactly how I would express my love, my grief. I know you will never forget

And I also think it would be a good thing to do one for your daughter…so she will know that she is just as important to you!

Very wonderful memories. I know how this loss affects you everyday of your life. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

From one mother of an angel, to another, I am sending you much love and support, today and always. There are no words to say that would take away the pain of our loss, but know that we care, and are here for you.

it’s august 28. i hope there is something, somewhere, that can help you feel just a bit better. anniversaries are so hard. “we are alike, you and i” thank you for sending that. take care

You have immortalized Nathan with your wonderful memoirs. I feel that he’s touched my life in some way. God bless you and keep you strong. My heart breaks for you.

so neat and so tender. 🙂