~Theme Question

The question on the front page is- If you could take back one thing that you’ve done in your life, what would it be?

Well aside from a few things in the past year, or even the past month….

I’d not of gone to the BMX track that Thursday July 25th 1996. Had we not gone, my son would not of had the Bike Accident. And had he not had the Bike Accident those Blood Vessels in his Brain may or may not of Ruptured a month later. They did say that it was just a Matter of Time till they did Rupture, and that it would happen with or without associated trauma. I’d of liked to of seen him be 60 when they Ruptured… I would of liked to of seen him Grow Up.

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October 7, 2003

yeah i would of wished i had not known the truth about CLC” in Ca. then i would not maybe be in the situation i am in now concerning living in “Wy”. maybe Nathan would have lived to be a ripe ol’ age like us huh? yeah i am only a friend of the family and i felt like it happened to me when you told me.i thought for days i had a bad dream and i would wake up.did u know this?

May 21, 2004

If I had to write on that theme – I would have taken Jake shopping with me and the girls. He would have been in the mall with us on September 24, 2000 – eating ice-cream at 5:19pm – not declared dead at the age of 9. He would have been giving us a hard time and NOT riding his gocart. The 16 year old boy who hit Jake would have alot off his chest, too – if this never happened, too.