~Live & Learn, for what?

I was sitting in church this past week, and I spotted a couple whom I knew had a 13 y/o son but I had never seen him. When I saw the son, I noticed how much he looked like his sister who is a few years older. I was Instantly Jealous! Jealous that this family still has their son and daughter.. Nathan looked like me, and Sarah looks like her Dad, but would of as the kids got older, would I see some similar things about them? And now I will never know.

We sung a song in Church that is a favorite. I’ll Fly Away. ~Just a few more weary days and then, I’ll fly away, To a land where Joy shall never end, I’ll Fly away~

I could feel the tears rising when I got to that last part.. –To a land where JOY shall NEVER end– Won’t that be a Glorious Day!

I’ve had a few instances lately where, we lived and learned but can’t use it again. We could of had Nathan still been here. And That is sad to think about that we lived and learned for nothing. Sarah took her ACTS late, we just didn’t know about that stuff. She could of been taking them last year. But instead she took it in February. And she scored good though, in the top 7th% in the Nation. But taking ther ACTS sooner, we could of applied for other Scholarships. We just didn’t know. Although she did get the Lottery Scholarship and that will pay for a good amount of College here, so over all we didn’t do too bad.

When I sent out Sarah’s Graduation announcememts, I KNEW there was something lacking about them but couldn’t quit figure it. And I knew that her name needed to be in those Cards some how.. But I didn’t want to be *Hillbilly* about it. So I mailed them as was and placed her name on the outside of the envelope. I talked with my Mom this past weekend and she said that was what she noticced about the announcements right off. And my Grandma asked her if I sent them all like that. A Neighbor told my Mom there was suppose to be these name cards in there, that there was a place to put them. Well… shoot! I never graduated from my High School, and I never been to a Graduation. I didn’t know….. All I could think on was that *Live and Learn* but no one else to use what we learned, on… Makes me sad to think about.

I was talking with my BIL a few days ago. We talked about if we ever lived in California again. He said how we have lived a whole ‘nother Life Time since we moved from there. I asked what he meant.. He said that when we left here that we were young and just beginning with our family.. That’s so true, and someday if we come back it will probably be just us. A Daughter in College living her own life and a Son gone on to Heaven. He also said something to the effect that he has missed out on all the stories in our Life, all the things that when you live closer to family, they know about. That is so True.

It has always bothered me that my kids didn’t grow up with their Grandparents, and other relatives. They missed out on some special times. I was raised in the same town as my grandparents and I was so blessed!

Anyway if we ever go back to califronia, we will be different people, we ARE different people now. We would be coming back *Middle Aged*. The more I read about young and new marriages and all the frustrations people go through, the more I am thankful I we are past all that. Yeah we have had our Highs and Low. But thank God we had JESUS! Jesus has made a big difference in our lives.

Trusting in HIM

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Hugs for you 🙂 Sometimes it just seems to get a little harder for a while. It is wonderful that you have Jesus in your life, and that he can make some things right again. Take care Mouser

changes..some good, some not so good. my kids grew up not knowing their g’parents or aunts, uncles and cousins. such a mobile society we’ve become. take care

You know, I was thinking about this last night. They say that when you die, a loved one comes to take you to the other side. I have always been afraid to die, but I know if I see my dads face,

I would gladly go. I hope it ends up being that way. This is the first time that I thought about death and wasn’t scared. You talk about living and learning, and I won’t know till I die! Love,

I can’t even begin to imagine the little everyday things that brings reminders of how things could have been with your son. Bless you.

Loving hugs******

Congradualtions to Sarah – Good job on the ACTs. We live at a distance from relatives so I know what you mean there but if we returned to the old home town that wouldn’t be the same either. (Breena)

AMEN, Jesus helps us through. I could feel the loss you are sharing in your entry today. May God Bless you dear friend.

Hi, thanks for your prayers. Now I know what you mean by missing your son, I miss Mom. But, I won’t miss her for eternity, thank you, Lord! God bless,

1.I think you have used what you have lived and learned;especially concerning Nathan. You have what you learned in your heart and have helped so many here and in the grief site;You have learned to be a

2.a blessing to others in pain; despite your own loss. You have been a stronghold for others by expressing how the Lord has been with you and at times has carried you;although it would be hard to

3.find ‘reason’ for your loss you can still put trust in the Lord God knowing that we do not understand or see things in the way that He does and you have peace and joy in your life. You know that He loves you. 🙂

May 6, 2000

hi, i agree with thinktank, the hard times you have had to go through has been helpful to so many, though i doubt that lessens the pain. you help to remind me to appreciated my girls more.hugs

cellent entry 😉

in your next entries you tell us how important hugs are… Well, HUGS my friend. This is a sad and poignant entry. I’ll pray for you.

We live close to relatives, but never see them. My kids are growing up w/out cousins to play with. We are closer to my sister and her kids who live 1000 miles away.

My daughter looks exactly like my husband, and my son looks like me. The only time my kids look like theyre related is if they are asleep next to each other. LOL