~Grief Workshop-2

This workshop was to offer ideas on surviving the loss of someone through Suicide. It was to emphasize what we can do to survive and how we can support those who are surviving the loss of a loved one. There were two people who shared their story. What they can now see lead up to, and how they have worked through their grief.. One of the things I think I always thought people felt was Anger.. *Like how could you do this to me/us?* But these two people said they never felt anger. The one talked about Mental Illness.. made me wonder if I should maybe learn more about Mental Illness, Understand it better.

The one woman who’s popular Attorney Husband committed Suicide said.. She couldn’t focus on the Why’s, cause there was so many. And to do so was hurting her and doing no good. She came to her conclusion that This was something he wanted to do. He made the choice. He took Control. ……The other woman who talked, her Dad committed Suicide in their house. And how bably they were treated by the Police. (like they were on suspicion). They both said that people asked them if something had to be wrong within the house like if there was marriage problems or job problems that people tend to think that first, that it must be someone else’s fault why a person would make such a choice… They also both talked about that they needed to tell the story over and over like in any other type of Grief.

They said that typically More Men than Women succeed in Committing Suicide because they hold things in and when they get to that point, it’s beyond reasoning. For Women it’s more of a Cry for help. Women tend to use Pills, Slit Wrists and they sometimes call someone to tell about it. Men use Guns. One man spoke up, he is a Counselor in an Elementary School and he finds young children talking about suicide. 1st graders talking about how they felt like riding their bikes into a car’s path… Sheesh that is scary….

My 3rd Workshop: WHEN A BABY DIES
It talked about the various situation in the death of a Baby that people grieve over. And how to support someone who has experienced this. The speaker said that Miscarriages aren’t talked about much.. Cause so many get the idea that it isn’t as great of loss at an in the flesh baby.. You know I have been guilty of that thought myself. The Speaker talked of Infertility, Miscarriage, Abortion, Stillbirth, Multiple losses, Intrapartum, Neonate Death, Gender, Birth Defects & Sids. And how Parents feel in all those situations. She said that you tend to find people asking the Husband at work how his Wife is doing and fail to ask the Man how he is doing as if his Grief is less somehow.

She talked about when a Woman has a Miscarriage that she asks them *What sex did they think if was going to be? *What were they going to call the baby? She said that people tend to think on the date that the miscarriage happened but they don’t think about that the Due Date might be a Hard Date. Or going to the Mall and seeing Woman Pregnant. She said that so many weeks after a woman has a Miscarriage that they are seen by a Doctor and they have to walk into the Doctor’s office and sit among all those pregnant Women. She said that some keep an Mental calendar thinking that their child would of gotten their Drivers License at this time, etc. (but I think that is the same for other Child deaths… I know I will think that way in May of 2002, knowing my son should of graduated. I plan on sending some of his friends Graduation Cards).

This was a great class to end of cause this next part was just so Cool what they do… It was about Stillborns. The Speaker talked about that they encourage the Parents to hold the Baby. To Inspect it’s body. To see similarities between the baby and the parents… To see- *Oh She has the Mother’s nose, or He has the Father’s hands, etc. They encourage the naming of the Baby, and discourage saving that name for the next Baby. They take Foot and Hand Prints and this way the Parents can see how big or little the baby was. They take a picture of the baby.. They bath the baby and clothe it in these little outfits made for them. A group of ladies make these little Outfits in various sizes with little caps cause sometimes the head is deformed. They are Lilac in Color. She said that many times the Baby doesn’t look too good and Lilac is the best Photogenic Color. They also put a rattle in the baby’s hand. I know that years back when a Stillborn took place in many causes the parents never saw the baby, or only briefly. Now it’s just the opposite. I remember when first getting Online and I came across sites where the parents actually posted a picture of their Dead Baby. It took me a short time to realize that this is something they needed to do. Just whatever they could grasp onto .. anything about their Child.

And then at this Hospital they have Memory Boxes made by a group of ladies. And the Picture of the Baby, Foot and Hand Prints, a Lock of hair (if there is some) goes inside. They said that some parents don’t want this initially, and so they save them, forever until one day the parents decide they do want it. I thought that was SO Cool! When I was telling my husband about this last workshop I cried.

Overall, the Conference was Pretty Good. Though at first I thought it was just Ok. But now that I have gone over my notes and Pieced this together I find that I walked away with new thoughts. It was nice to know they feel and teach fairly much like I have experienced in my own Grief.

At the end of the Conference, they wanted you to write down on this card the Good that has come from your Grief (your Situation). Sounds terrible doesn’t it to find something good from a bad situation. I have know for a long time what good Stemmed from my Grief.
First of all I became more Compassionate. Second I realized so many things aren’t as important as I once thought them to be. I let the little things slide off my back. Thirdly I discovered that everyone Grieves different and I can’t make Clueless judgments about people. There is no Wrong or Right way. And Fouthly I learned though being Online and chatting with others that no Death is worse… That what YOU are going through is the Worse for YOU.

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This has been interesting to hear about, it helps all of us, thanks for sharing with us. You know when I experienced my ‘divorce’ it was like a death…my Mom had no understanding of this! Although I wanted it…

I didn’t want to loose someone that was my ‘other-half’ for 11 years. I only wanted an out from the constant emotional strain and the pain! I mourned the love that we had shared. I mourned that we had ‘our

only daughter’ was the joy of our lives…and we would not be able to share ‘her’ as we had! NO ONE ELSE CARES to hear all those deep emotional feelings you have about them…in the same way. It hurt too

too much to think of how it was ‘ripping up’ her life! It just HURT TOO MUCH FOR YEARS!!!!! and once I love someone…I always have that love for them. Time has eased the pain, yet the pain still lives. Now

does that make sense? And oh, the ‘trust’ factor is really put on a back burner! I still had alot of baggage when I met and married my (now)husband and if he had not been given the ‘grace’ of understanding

and compassion and the ability to ‘love’ me through it all…and knowing when to be silent…and just to HUG…I sometimes just don’t know if I would have made it. I honestly believe that the Lord sent him

strange to think we can learn from the death of someone close to us. i learned that life is too short to sweat the little things.

to ‘help’ me. You know, 4 years before…when I was still married,the last year and miserable…I worked with his ex-wifes sister…(at the children’s home)Yet I had not been in touch with her and him for years

and the sister was talking at lunch about them getting a divorce…and I remember that I thought, “I wish I could have someone like him.” but didn’t say that! Just because I remembered him as being ‘NICE’

Yet, I also remembered him to sorta get on my nerves sometimes because of his ‘joking’ when I was ‘serious’ about something. Wasn’t really attracted to him in any way. YET…one day he ‘called my #’…

meaning to call someone else! (I think God did that!)and we got together and it was LOVE AT FIRST SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really mean it!!!!!!!! Isn’t that something! Guess, God knew I would appreciate him!

He had come over that same day to visit…that night when I went to bed…I heard myself say in my head,”I’m going to marry ‘name’…and then I said out loud,”WHAT? I don’t even know him! I have never even

even ‘kissed’ this man.” Then I heard it again and again. I didn’t know what to think! The next day he came by and brought me a kawola (sp) bear and a note that said HE loved ME and I said I loved him too!??

3 days later he ask me if I would “Marry him” and I said,YES and that I felt in my heart that I was already married to him…this was not ‘normal for me’It was GOD. Blessings! Wow,I made an entry here!

This workshop sounds like it did you some good. Had to be painful tho. Hugs,

Thanks for the entries.People grieve even before death,I know as I see my mother slowly change I am losing a little of her every day. It makes us realise we only have the now and should live in the moment.

February 10, 2001

This sounds like an EXCELLENT workshop. I think that idea about the baby memory boxes is unique. My girls were given Bereavement packages from the middle school when they lost their little brother.

I loved reading about the Miscarriage. I had one in between the births of my two sons (around 13 years ago). I still think of this baby often. I didn’t get to know the sex, it was too early to tell. Cont….

I had only known of my pregnancy for a short time. On my second visit to the Dr. he realized the baby wasn’t growing and sent me home to miscarry. It was one of the hardest and worst things I’ve ever gone through.<P

Besides the physical pain, mentally I was tormented just sitting around waiting for it to pass. Alot of people didn’t think of this baby as real, but to me it was as real as if I’d had carried it full time. Cont…

Thank you so much for sharing all of this workshop with us. It has really been helpful for alot of us…..Hey how is the bowling going?

First of all thank you for the notes in my diary and for leading me here. You made me feel good and first thing in the morning too. Maybe your trip alone to the workshops was indeed a gift to all of us from God. Tha

Thank you for sharing.

Sounds like a wonderful learning experience. The info on suicide & the death of babies is right on target. It is so great that you took these workshops, even though your loss was not one of these.

I hope, like you, our society continues to become more open to the discussion of death and grief. On the whole, we are too uncomfortable with these topics, which tends to isolate those of us for who are dealing with them.

I also hope that we become more open to the realities of Mental Ilness and depression. Suicide IS NOT a selfish act. It is a desperate attempt to deal with overwhelming pain. I have never been angry at my daughter f

for her death. I only hope that we continue to make progress in the treatment of these debilitating diseases, so that the many others who suffer them will not be left with the choice btw a life of emotional pain & t

& the escape of death. Thank you so much for sharing your insights with us. As always, you are in my thoughts as you also grieve for your beautiful son. ((( hugs )))

a conference like that sounds very helpful … i’m sorry i haven’t gotten a chance to read any of your other entries yet. did you find out anything that might explain why it has taken me so long?