~ Collar

The other day my BIL Dave, was asking how old Nathan was when he put the Dog Collar around his neck…. The Electric Dog Collar that is.. Nathan was 11. We needed to get an Indoor Electric Fence for Otto. While Nathan was putting it around his neck, Brian was plugging it in. They were both unaware what the other was doing. It happen so fast…

The next thing you see is Nathan grabbing at his neck trying to get that Collar off.. Brian laughed so hard he had tears streaming down his face..
Nathan had tears too but not cause he was laughing..
Needless to say, Nathan Never again put the Collar around his Neck.

Dave and I had a good Bittersweet Laugh over that as we remembered.

Dave asked if it bothers me to talk about these things… I told him= “Typically it did not.” But this memory.. after I laughed, Grabbed me.

It’s interesting that as time goes on and we get further away from when I last saw Nathan… Memories of late seem *To Grab* me like they never did before.

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February 8, 2005

owweee .. bless his heart. I bet he didn’t even think of putting that collar back on. *hugs to you today* and prayers for peace and comfort.

February 8, 2005
February 8, 2005
February 10, 2005

I can relate….(sigh).

March 31, 2005

hugs dear, ive missed coming and visiting with you, i hope it wont be so long till i get back in, im really wanting to get caught up with everyone, ive missed being here so much, im on the run so cant stay long, just wanted to stop in and say hey, my best to you and your family, hugs, 🙂

Where have you been. Hope all is well. 🙂