~5 Years

I had been thinking for months that on the 5th year of Nathan’s Passing I would put a thing in the Obituaries of the Colorado Springs Newspaper. I not sure why I would of wanted to do that. From the ones I have seen it looks like a nice thing to do. Maybe also in part it is that I want people to *KNOW* he Didn’t die of the Bike Accident (he had a month earier) as the Newspaper Article implied. That seems important to me that maybe people know that I just wasn’t a irresponsible Mom who didn’t make her son wear a helmet, but that this (Brain Aneurysm) was Totally something out of MY Control.

 But I never did approach Brian about it. I thought of it for months and I knew I should tell him in advance so he could come up with something good to put in the Paper.. and I just could never bring myself to bring up the issue to him. And now the hour has arrived.

 I wrote this Poem in November of 1999.Nine point five pounds
August Tenth 1984
The Joy you brought us
How we wish we would of had more
Always keeping us on our toes
Never a dull moment, we always supposed

Always making us laugh so much
Darn it! We miss you a bunch
Always so kind and helping out
Many memories is what your about

Fishing & Football & Fried Eggs you loved
Oh, now you get those from Above
Swimming, Skating & Silly Highs
Teasing, Computer, Pizza. No Goodbyes
England, California, Colorado & now Heaven
Reading, Otto. And no more sneaking off to 7-11

We love you Nate!
What a Honor to of had you for 12 years.
You Blessed us!

I am NOT mentioning the 5 year mark to get a bunch of (((hugs))).
5 years later~ yes I still shed a tear now & then, but really I am doing alright & Life IS Good Again.

~*~*~*~In the Newspaper Article that was in the Paper of September 1st 1996 a small part of it says:
Brian said, “We hope our son’s death is a reminder to others about the importance of Family. As a father who has lost a son, I realize that if you don’t have the opportunity to give him that last hug, it will bother you. It’s easy to take for granted what you have. We love him and miss him terribly, but we had fun.” ~*~*~*~

Today and this week I want YOU to Choose at least one person, to do something extra special for. And come back here to this Entry and leave me a Note of what you did. Our Family & Friends are IMPORTANT and they should be reminded of that now and then.

Log in to write a note

i let stacy get contact lenses today even though i think she will lose them . it’s just her. she lost her glasses for good on 8/24. so i had to get her new glasses anyways. i liked your poem. laura

My heart goes out to you, I know it still has to be hard. As I have told you before, I can’t imagine it. You are amazing! {{{hugs}}}

Will do, HUGS!!!

My son’s have been making me crazy not cleaning their room, so today I took in ice cream for them to eat and then helped them to complete their room. The look on their faces alone was enough to tell me they were very suprised. Thanks!

August 29, 2001

Yesterday, I received my order from http://www.collectionsetc.com One of the things I ordered was a Southwestern Chiminea. I was showing all my stuff to our secretary and she fell in love with the Chiminea. I told her she could have it. She wanted to pay me on Friday. I told her to take it and put it in the new townhome she is moving into next week as a housewarming gift. She was so happy!

i know how hard it is. anniversaries always bring out the feelings and wonderings. from now to jan, i’ll be thinking about jason more than normal. odd thing is though that it is normal.

That is beautiful and very touching. May God be with you and your family. 🙂

August 30, 2001

THanks for sharing your beautiful poem with us. I will be thinking about this the next time I shoot angry words at my daughters as they head out the door…instead, I will send them off with a hug and kiss…thanks so much for reminding me how precious each day with them truly is….although I know you will see Nathan in Heaven, I can only imagine how much you want him here with you now..HUGS!

A beautiful Poem to a wonderful son, :). I went out with my oldest daughter last night for her 22nd birthday. I was her date and her best friend. Sometimes we need more than a mom I think. Also made sure I gave her a big hug and kiss. My oldest son took me home and I made sure to say I loved him and to hug him too. I love getting alone time with them just find out what’s up. Luv and hugs….

August 31, 2001

I’m sending you *HUGS* anyway Mouser…the poem was precious…made me misty~eyed. I think it’s wonderful you value more the time with him than without. Powerfully said!!

September 1, 2001

Thanks for the reminder

I am so glad you had 12 wonderful years and your love for Nate is still growing.You are a special person Mouser. God is smiling down and thanking you for all the hearts you touch as you share about Nate,thanks my friend:)

I am very sorry for your loss, I can’t even imagine what you are going through! You are a much stronger person than I would ever be if I were to lose my child. I admire you for that. Take Care

You are so amazing. When I hear about mothers losing a child I always wonder how they can manage to go on. I’m so afraid of it happening to me because I’m sure I would end up in the looney bin. This entry in particular made me cry. Mostly because your love and your pain and your optimism shine through.

November 10, 2004

This is an old entry, but I’m plundering. I haven’t been here in a very long time. Today I bought both of my girls a new baby doll instead of saying “maybe fore Christmas” or “let’s wait an ask Santa” I hope you rec’d many blessings reading all these things. I love his picture. Handsome little fella!