crippling adhd
ive had a pretty rough semester and by rough i mean my performance literally went down the drain. skipped so many classes and missed so many assignments. i dont know how to build up a support system to help me. i dont know how to reach out and ask for help from my family, partner,…
Hey, I'm new round these parts Ash 32 Female Uk Nice to meet you 👋
Oh Wow… Hi?
Oh my goodness. A bad time with 1 random tipsy night. I find OD again. Hello 🙂 This was such a safe space for me when I was younger (omg I sound old lol). I always think of OD and I miss it so much. It was great community back in the day. So much…
Triggering Tuna – F*** PTSD
It’s amazing. The little things that can be a trigger. How something so small can blow your whole world and day up. Seriously, somedays I’m reminded how much I hate the past, hate the people of the past, hate dealing with C-PTSD. How in the hell can a smell cause anxiety and nightmares? It’s bull...
Love People
https://open.spotify.com/track/1tL40tfdtUaSLek4DvDDr3?si=yiThk67ATgmyRcN4gvA-Ww https://open.spotify.com/track/3MeCawtEDk2Ia4qasaWtiL?si=XXwavmbOQIOZ4tOtVUdyiw
Maybe I need help
You all will love this one. I just woke up and got ready for work, I thought I was super late. I am fresh and clean from the shower. I sat down at my new IKEA dining table and turned on my laptop. As I sit here waiting for it to reboot, I notice the…
Down the rabbit hole
Did you send him down the rabbit hole? Why you always messing with my limbic system? I am going to have to up my Zoloft.
That’s a lot of feelings
I had a mini anxiety attack in my closet this morning before my laughter it the car. I am crying now, just a little. Shocker! Don’t create a self-fulfilling prophecy. That feels scary! Am I mature enough for that?