On-line dating adventures after Divorce
On-line dating has been around for quite a while now. My 'single' status has not, though. So here I am forced to seek out a stranger to welcome into my life. I have to say that this goes against everything that my parents warned me about. "Don't talk to strangers and never get into a…
A letter to my soon to be ex husband
How? How could something so amazing turn into something so heart breaking? You were everything to me. A 5 year marriage. To the absolute love of my life. Everything was perfect. You truly opened my eyes to what I thought love truly was. You changed my views on having children. And you gave me the...
He’s engaged
Why do I care? I don’t know exactly how this site works but I just want to get these thoughts out and maybe someone else has experienced this. I was married to my high school sweetheart for 19 years. He abused me for years but I stayed in some codependency state I suppose looking back…
Moving Forward, LP Edition
In my last entry, I mentioned my relationship and at that time I was working through projections. Things did get better momentarily. I have some pretty significant milestones coming up in the next 5 weeks: My birthday, turning 38 One year since I started dating One year since the Divorce was fina...
How do you know what the good feelings are if you don’t feel the bad ones?
I process in pieces, broken ones.
My Iron Lobster is now a Spotify playlist too. 9 more days and the dissolution will be final, taking back my innocence, legally. I am keeping my married name for my daughter and because that is a lot of paperwork; Ill change it when I remarry. My Aunt has been away out of state, she…
I can’t keep doing it this way
The end of my marriage came suddenly on a January day in 2019. I can only explain it like those stories of a pet who for years sits at the train station or bus stop and waits for someone who never returns. Unlike the pet though, people aren't and never were interested in helping the…
Married young
This is my first entry ever. I’m hoping to just let it all out. I’m young, 26 and getting a divorce. To even be able to write it out is freaking me out. We were only married for 2 years, yet I feel so much pain.. I’m having trouble navigating through this time. I know…
Is She Really An Option?
Hi guys, I know many are asleep right now but this couldn't make me sleep, lost my wife mid last year and I'm still trying to keep up, but this my ex won't stop trying to fit in, and she once caused a little trouble between me and my wife when she was alive, and…