Vent re Caregiver Cost
11-3-2022 I’m not sure what I’m doing. I’ve thought about starting a journal for a long time. Will I keep this up? Who knows? What possessed me to put it online? I’m really just writing this for me. Today will be a short post. Maybe I will write more stuff later. I’ve wanted a place…
Health Issues Galore!
I've been called the queen of health issues and that isn't a title I'm proud of but, there is truth to it. My story of health problems began when I was 16 years old it was the Summer before the start of my Junior year of high school. I was away on a mission trip…
Uterus-Free At Last (Hopefully!)
Since I was 13 I knew I wanted to be child-free life-long. I will soon be 25 and that statement is still very much true. Honestly, more-so in the wake of recent political events. I have multiple debilitating mental and physical illnesses that are manageable per say but not necessarily curable or ...
Of Chronic Illness
I was in the hospital about a month ago for major depression. The doctor increased my Abilify from 15 mg. to 20 mg. He increased my…
Of Chronic Illness
I have been dealing with the same chronic illness since I was 26 years old. That was the age when I was officially diagnosed with depression. As the years…
Unvaccinated, unmasked, and unafraid.
I’m going to be up front from the start: I have trust issues. I have really serious trust issues. I have so little trust/faith in humanity that I actually look both ways before crossing a one way street. So, when it comes to showing trust and/or faith in a person or institution, I do not…
Chronic Illness…
IHello, everyone. I can certainly deal with the idea of chronic illnesses. I have a plethora of them, number one with a bullet being depression and anxiety. I have had these diagnoses since I was 26 years old. I am now 61. Perhaps that explains the road that I have been on in my life,…
Loopy over lupus
Entry #1 I suppose I just introduce myself. My name is Kym. I'm 35 years old and a mother to a beautiful, pain in the tush son. I was born and raised in Melbourne where I survived with my aunt, uncle and ten cousins who would later be my brothers. My mom is a drug…
6 Is Better Then 20
Today is a good day on the pain scale. It's kind of a awful thing that your life surrounds around a pain scale score for a good day or a bad day. But that's how my life has been for years but the last 3 weeks it has been a tornado mixed in with a…
To med or not to med, that is the question. Whether it is saner in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of rages and crying, or to take capsules against a sea of sorrows and in medicating them, end them; to be awake past 9, to be able to get things done quickly…