To Join Lives or Not

My man and I are at the point where we want to live together… since we already spend every night together at one house or the other it shouldn’t be a big deal, right?  Wrong!


I’m so torn!


I lived with my Ex before we were engaged and once we were engaged it didn’t seem important to get married, as we were already living like a married couple…. But I don’t want that again.  It didn’t work and I wasn’t happy.


I’ve explained to my man that I am torn.  My heart says, Hell yes!  Move in tomorrow, but my head says, hold on here now.  If you want to marry this man you should make that clear and not move forward unless he meets your needs. 


So which is right?


If those weren’t the only reasons to hesitate….  There is more.


He is looking at buying a condo, all the he can afford on his own is a place for him, it wouldn’t be big enough for the two of us and if he does buy a place I could see him needing to stay there for a few years before it should be sold….  But if he moves in here we could save save save and have a nice down payment for a home that we could both live in within a year…


What is a girl to do?


Any suggestions?

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May 15, 2006

Hey 🙂 Well i am thinking you should stick with your idea…u have to think…do u want to cope and live in a condo or be comfortable and wait to live the best u can 🙂 Thanx for notes xx