When everything changes…

What can be tolerated, what can be accepted, what can be survived….

Today I found that I might not be able to continue feeling anymore.  Sometimes there are pains in ones life that cause us to not want to feel…  I do not want to feel.

There were roses lining the path I have been walking and now… today I find that I can no longer stay on this path.

My relationship with my boyfriend (I want to call him so much more) had come to a head of sorts.  We find that religion has finally come between us in so many different ways. 

So much has changed and yet so little, how can it be that a simple choice can change the whole course of a relationship?

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April 16, 2006

it’s interesting how religion can be a small thing that seems to matter so much, or a huge thing that doesn’t seem to matter at all. interesting…