The older couple

Hmm, I kinda built the suspense there a bit at the end of the last entry, didn’t I… I’m sorry to say it’s a bit of an anti-climax (pun intended) with story of meeting with the older couple.
It was 4 days after the night at the swingers club and Sean and I went over to their place at around 8 o’clock. When we arrived, the woman was there, but the man had gone to get some wine. We went inside, sat down and were chatting casually, when the man returned and I instantly felt a buzz upon seeing him. We locked eyes and he gave me a kiss in greeting and all I could do was smile coyly.

After about half an hour of talking, we decided to walk down to the pool in the apartment complex. The pool was surrounded by trees and garden and was fairly private, so we all stripped off and went in naked. It was very casual – we were still chatting about things other than sex, but it was quite obvious what was on everyone’s minds!

Had we not been interrupted by some people who came down to drink beer and put their feet in the water, who knows what would have happened down there.. but as it was, we had to sneakily get out of the pool and back into our  clothes without arousing suspicion! Lucky it was so dark…

When we got back to the apartment, we all got in the shower together – a shower that definitely wasn’t designed for four adults! And that’s when things started to get heated.

The details of the night are not worth recalling… I felt things were too rushed and I wasn’t allowed time to get fully aroused. I didn’t experience great amounts of pleasure, but on the whole I enjoyed myself.

It was my first sexual experience with another woman, and while there wasn’t a lot of interaction between us, I did enjoy it. I loved touching her breasts as much as I love touching my own, and I fingered her which was definitely a nice experience. I can completely understand why men love women’s bodies! They’re so soft and wet and warm.. it’s all so inviting and sexy.

There was a moment towards the end of the night where Sean went for a shower and the woman went downstairs for a drink, and the man and I were left alone in the bed. He lay beside me and kissed me very sensually while touching and fingering me. I really wanted to have sex with him, but we hadn’t established any rules about penetration so we both restrained. After a few minutes of this, he stopped because he felt it might be a betrayal of sorts. Everyone has their own "swinging rules" and most people believe that any intimacy must happen when all parties are present… therefore the two of us alone was sort of breaking those rules.

The way I felt with him, though, was incredible. Like I’ve said before, we had this mysterious unspoken bond. Talking with Sean about it later, he said he’d picked up on it straight away and that it would have to be quite clear to the woman aswell. Sean said he even noticed a moment when the man and I shared a goodbye kiss and the woman looked on with insecurity. I would hate to step over any lines or do the wrong thing, but I can’t help chemistry, and we were all consenting adults!

For a number of different reasons we haven’t seen the couple again since, but we hear from them all the time. They’re very keen to meet up again and now that all my ‘problems’ have cleared up I’m tempted to go for it again. If we do, I’d ideally like to take things a whole lot slower and really gradually build up to it with a lot of talk, touching and kissing before we even got naked. It’s ok for men to get straight down to business, but us women need a bit more than that!

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March 11, 2007

hopefully next time u can get ready enough to climax! i hate feeling rushed…quiuckies r one thing but if u dont have to rush, they why hurry. that would have been ncie if something happend in the pool! as far as hooking up with the guy w/o your respective partners being there, yea, i think that might break the swinging rules a bit…

March 11, 2007

sadly my lust life is lacking right now so I have to live vicariously through you…love your stories…if you ever write a book, tell me…I’d buy it.

March 13, 2007

RYN: There is a lot of difference between my kind smile and my ‘I’ve got roofies in my pocket’ smile.

March 14, 2007

RYN: Thanks for the notes. I didn’t mind what you said, but bear in mind there’s nothing wrong with a smile. It’s a sad world if a kind or friendly smile provokes only distrust. Also – the William Jolly Bridge is easy to walk over – provided it’s not slippery and you don’t mind heights. I’d probably skip the grog next time though.