The dreaded test results

I’ve had some ‘abnormalities’ with my menstrual cycle recently. Bleeding when I’m not supposed to, and for too long.. so I went to the Doctor on Monday to get it checked out, and she did an STD check. Good news is, I don’t have HIV! Yaay! Bad news is, I have Chylamidia. Uuuhh.

It’s not a huge deal – as long as you take care of it as soon as possible, there’s no real damage. I haven’t even had any of the worse symptoms. The treatment was two tablets taken this morning – that’s it! Should be all clear in a week.

I’m almost 100% sure I know who gave it to me – Mark, from a few entries ago. Sex with him is amazing but he refuses to wear a condom. He reckons he can’t ‘perform’ with one on.. Now, I’m all for safe sex, but I have been known to be quite lax about it in the past. Quite simply put, I’d prefer to use one with people I don’t know, but lack of a condom isn’t going to stop me from having sex. I know, I know, that’s a dangerous way of thinking, and I’m definitely converted to the old adage "If it’s not on, it’s not on" from this point forward… But sex is just better without one, wouldn’t you agree??

The worst part about this whole Chlamydia thing is having to tell all my sexual partners from the last 6 months. A slight hitch in that plan is that I don’t even have a contact number for one of them! So he’ll have to find out on his own.

I told Mark, and he quite instantly assumed it was him who gave it to me. I know he has unprotected sex with a lot of women, so I seriously hope he goes out and gets treated! I’m not 100% confident that he will, though – he’s just that sort of guy. Telling him was easy.

I told my current ‘friend with benefits’, Sean via email. We’ve always used protection so I’m quite confident he wouldn’t have caught it, but he’s going to get checked out anyway. I was worried that he might freak out at the news, but he took it very well and isn’t worried at all – he just wants me to get better soon!

The hardest one was telling my old flame Daniel. He and I have had this ongoing emotionally deep relationship for seven years now. We were friends long before we were lovers, and we have always been that person in each others lives who we can count on and relate to. We first slept together in October 05, and while it was an ejoyable experience, it did kind of fuck with our relationship. Since then we’ve been more distant, but we very stupidly decided to sleep together again on Christmas Day last year. And it wasn’t safe sex.

In the post-coital conversation, Daniel casually asked me how many sexual partners I’d had since the last time we’d slept together. (I’m the only sexual partner he’s had in two years). I told him the truth, which was four. He was a bit upset at this news saying "well you could have told me that before I didn’t use a condom!". Ha! What sort of a thing to say is that?! Isn’t our own health our own responsibility? He can’t just assume I’m the virgin mary and saving myself for him! I assured him, however, that I didn’t believe I had any STDs so he shouldn’t be concerned.

Turns out I did. Who would have thunk it?

So I composed a short email, telling him in a very matter of fact manner that I had found out I had chlamydia and that he should definitely get tested. He wasn’t too happy. I have a feeling our friendship might be over.

But in all honesty, I think it’s been over for a long time.

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February 7, 2007

hey! u r awesome. your entries r so easy to read. sorry u got that std, but at least it goes away easily. so may of my friends have ahd it-i think its the most common one.

February 8, 2007

Too bad about Daniel. Sex really can screw up a good friendship, but if both people are willing to put in the effort it can be salvaged. Sounds like he isn’t willing. I guess I’ve been lucky: seven partners over twenty-one years of activity and I’ve never gotten sick or gotten anyone preggers. I always buy condoms, but by the time I go to use one I’m usually told something along the lines of…

February 8, 2007

…”I don’t have time to wait for that just do it!” I guess maybe I’m waiting too long.

February 8, 2007

Thanks for the note. Your writing’s very intriguing, and I adore that avatar picture. I’m glad that it’s “only” chlamydia, which is eminently treatable. I look back at some of the risks I took and figure I’m pretty fortunate. It’s sometimes hard for “smarter” to compete with “better”. 🙂

February 8, 2007

get better soon! and I like the expression; no glove, no love better. It definitely is better for the guy with no condom and girls always say the same thing. but at least your nerve endings are not being covered with the rubber like ours are.

February 8, 2007

Aw that sucks! I have a little something going on too but at least I didn’t have to notify everyone I slept with…gosh I wouldn’t even know where to start! lol…so i’m really sorry. At least no AIDS! I hate condoms but I guess now I should start being more careful :p Take care!

February 8, 2007

RYN: nothing’s better than dope. Except alcohol to lower girls inhibitions.

February 9, 2007

RYN: Regarding Anna Nicole, I didn’t see the point in the American media frenzy, I’m surprised it’s being covered anywhere else at all.

February 10, 2007

atleast it’s not a serious STD. nice and easy one ot get rid of :P. almost as easy as it was to get it haha