
In early December last year I signed up to AMM on a whim (an online "adult" dating site). I had found myself alone in the house for a week as my room mates had gone away, and I thought "Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to call on just to come over and hang out and have some fun?". Plus I guess I was interested to see what was out there. I’ve never been one to shy away from sex with strangers, so I guess I was quite comfortable with that aspect.. But mostly I really wanted the freedom of being able to be completely honest about me and see who was interested.

Turns out a lot of men were. And when the ratio of men to women on this site is something like 10:1, you can understand why.

I threw together a quick profile and popped into the chat room to see who was out there. Almost straight away I was chatting with Mark. He was quite forward, and after moving the conversaton to MSN, he was quite persistant that we meet that very night. I was a little apprehensive, and said no for a good hour or so, but Mark was very persuasive and we agreed to go out for a drink. Part of that plan, though, was that Mark would come to my house to pick me up.

I showered and dressed and put on some make up – had a few shots of vodka to calm my nerves – and waited for him to arrive.

When he got to my door I was instantly taken with him. He had messy hair, broad shoulders and a 5 o’clock shadow. We exhanged hellos, he stepped inside, and he instantly grabbed me and kissed me passionately. His hands ran over my body and I knew we weren’t going out for that previously arranged drink.

I led him upstairs to my bedroom, where we both undressed faster than I knew what was happening. He was confident and strong and I felt quite taken with his dominance. There was no foreplay, we were straight into it. I got on top of him before I’d even had a chance to catch a glimpse of his package, and believe me, I was surprised when he entered me! He was incredibly well endowed. More so in girth than length. It was powerful. And it felt amazing.

But if I thought that was powerful, god damn, when he got on top I was blown away. He fucked me harder than I’ve ever been fucked before. He had so much strength and stamina, and I swear he reached perviously unchartered territory down there! It was rough and hard, and it was such a turn on. It was over relatively quickly, and afterwards we exchanged stories and talked about our sex lives, and joked about how we’d only met 30 mins ago!

Mark stayed that night, and we fucked in the louge room and the kitchen and back upstairs again. It was by far the best sex I’d ever had. And he was so incredibly sexy. I would just look at him and I could feel my body aching for him.

Since then we’ve had a few more nights together, but it hasn’t been as amazing as that first encounter. There’s something about that first time with someone – that passion, that exploration of the unknown, that excitement… it’s hard to match.

Afterwards I felt liberated and sexy. It was one of the more daring things I’d done (at the time) and I loved how it made me feel. I was lucky he was a decent, attractive guy though – things could have easily been different. I might not do something quite like that again, but I’m very glad it happened.

Mark has a girlfriend now, but has expressed an interest to keep seeing me. I’m undecided on how I feel about being the "other woman", but only because I can sympathise with the girlfriend. I can’t imagin it’s nice to be cheated on.

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February 6, 2007

ah – adult match-maker. I’ve seen the ads for that site late at night. Can’t say I’ve got any interesting stories in terms of casual sex 🙂 This entry was hot though!

February 6, 2007

I got one word for you….SCHWING !!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN… Stache…..(Chigger)

February 6, 2007

RYN: thanks :D. I think I will too! :D.

February 6, 2007

wow, looks like you had a good time with Mark haha! It’s not nice being cheated on, but, it happens. lol. I’ve been cheated on, and i’ve cheated. Although, I have to say, that I am still with the person that I cheated with (the “other woman”). She is great :).

February 7, 2007

It depends on how “open” his relationship with the girlfriend is. I don’t think I could do that but it works for some people. Also, he might be trying to ease into a semi-permanent threesome. You never know…