I dreamed a dream, a strange dream.

A while ago, I dreamt that I was a car crash…twice…in the same night. That was strange. Also of interest is that fact that I wasn’t driving either time. The first time it was my brother. I remember we were in a hurry (like he always seems to be) and we made a rather strange right turn at an intersection which ended up in our car being hit, from the side I believe. We then skidded off the road, and I recall quite clearly that we hit a road sign, though I can’t recall what it said. Probably it was something profound, perhaps it was the lesson I was to learn from that dream, but being from the hollywood generation adrenaline, I didn’t pay attention to that detail…only the crash. The second dream had a clear message. My friend and I were driving in my truck (well, as I said he was the one doing the actual driving) rather quickly down a dirt country road. It was night as well, whereas the other one took place in the daytime. Anyways, we took a rather sharp turn at high speed and ended up rolling the truck and landing (right side up, thankfully) in the ditch. As we were examining the truck for damage, a bright spotlight suddenly began to shine down upon us. From behind this spotlight came a farmer, who seemed to be upset and was carrying what appeared to be a shotgun in his head. He began to shout at us in what I can only remember as Charlie Brown grown-up talk (or Sims talk, if you will). Seeing this, and being nearest to the driver’s seat, I jumped in and managed to get us out of the ditch. Once out of the ditch, I stopped to let my friend in and we sped off. The message? Don’t screw with farmers, they own shotguns.

Truth to trashcan. Dare to dream.

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hey guess what, pink princess is my little sister. she rules. i miss your sarcastic antics,

Somehow I suspect there may be a more profound message hidden there. 🙂

April 11, 2018

Dreaming of being in car crashes while my brother was driving would have been no surprise at the time. He was insanely reckless behind the wheel. The second part doesn’t make much sense to me though. What did I mean by “my truck”? The only truck I’ve ever owned didn’t come into my possession until 2012.