Mail Fraud

Hello everybody,

Funny things I noticed while approving new Interests today:

Chocolate is ranked above Sex in interests for OD Plus diarists.

In rankings for all diarists, cats are #24 – but dogs are exactly a hundred down, at #124.

There’s an interest for Celeborn, but not one for Galadriel.

Anti-Bush is ranked #36, and Anti-Kerry is ranked #3073 – but Anti-Kerry is pretty new and will probably move up.

Johnny Depp is the highest ranked real person at #21 (Harry Potter is at #12, but he’s not real – to most of us). Anne Rice is a distant second at #54.

Martha Stewart and Janet Jackson both fell off the Interests list this week, due to lack of interest.

Cannibalism is listed right next to Canned Pasta. Spooky.

I just received an e-mail from one of our users who has an e-mail account. He received the following message in his OD mail account today:


Dear user of gateway e-mail server,

Your e-mail account will be disabled because of improper using in next three days, if you are still wishing to use it, please, resign your account information.

For details see the attached file.


The team


Now, I would hope from the awful grammar you would know that this message was not actually coming from the OD home office. Plus, we are not British – so we don’t generally sign off with “Cheers” (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

If you do receive a message like this, it is not from Open Diary.

This is obviously some sort of scam to either get the recipient’s account information, or to get them to open whatever the attached file is. I know you’ve heard it before, but let me reiterate:

NEVER open an e-mail attachment that is from somebody you don’t know.

This is of primary importance, because most viruses travel in e-mail attachments – and they can only execute their code if you open the attachment file. So, always delete unknown mail with attachments, without opening it.

As for the message above, I am checking with our mail service provider to see if they have any further information. If you receive a message like this, delete it. It is not from us.

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

Isn’t that special? Cheers? That closing is a British idiom (and to a lesser extent, Asian), generally.

Cannibalism is still practiced in parts of Sabah, Sarawak and Borneo; but to the best of my knowledge, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee pastas are not on supermarket shelves there. Westerners genarlly avoid those areas as travel destinations, however.

Celeborn is rather a milquetoast (in the screenplay). Tolkien’s rendering of the charater was rather more developed.

Do you actually perform statistical use analyses of site dynamics and data sets?

I actually spell much better than my notes would otherwise indicate. My typing sucks.

Hahah that was very good info (that is the sidenotes)

Cheers? lmao

Come on – nothing like a little pasta with your human flesh. I thought everyone knew that.

We are getting those kinds of emails at work. They told us not to open them because of the virus


Our company just sent out a message very similar to yours, saying this is part of the “Bagel” virus, and to trash them immediately. The wording on these faux corporate messages is very similar to the wording in the OD message, so it’s probably the same unintelligent, undereducated jerk with too much time on his/her hands. Thanks for the warning!

i received a similar message, only from Yahoo, concerning my account there. In addition to the horrid grammer, half the words had numbers inserted in them, so i assumed twas soem hoax/virus/whatever and ignored it. Tisn’t only OD being hit by it.

There is a virus going around that is doing this. I had a friend who rec’d one from her ISP and she called and they informed her it was a virus. Uck!

Well, better than being next to canned spam

ew… canned pasta? i cant believe how people are these days. well hope ur having a good wednesday mr dm. toodles, isabel

canned pasta? weird. anyway, i’ve been getting those e-mails from addresses that look like my school’s address. they ran an article in our paper today saying that it is a particularly nasty virus. The e-mails had essentially the same message as the one you posted here, so it’s probably the same deal. YUCK.

I got something similar from bellsouth, my ISP.

Something tells me the attachment is probably the W32.Beagle.J virus — it is everywhere today. But I expect your other notes probably also say this same thing.

Just thought I’d let you know that I like the new format for your entries. How’d you do that?

Interesting subject for today, since I have been trying to get an OpenDiary email account for months now. It’d be nice if I could get an answer after all this time. Thanks.

Thanks for shating this. I don’t have an opend diary email, but talk to a few who do. Anyways I still never got a response back from the OD staff about my getting signed out so often.