One of Those Entries

In which I go through my e-mail and fix things, and describe them in a list:

  1. Some members were reporting an error on saving entries. This error didn’t prevent the saving of the entry, but was ugly nontheless. It said, and I quote, “Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK_RecentEntriesxxx’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘RecentEntriesxxx’.”, or something to that effect. This has been fixed.
  2. The geographic indexes (indices?) were not returning the correct results for some states and countries. These have been corrected.
  3. On the theme page, if you visited a previous theme, and then clicked one of the links to sort the page by date or alpha, it reverted to the current theme. It doesn’t do this anymore.

That’s all for now – hope everybody is having a happy Monday.

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

Yes, I was taught it was indices. But no one would really know what you meant if you wrote that now would they? LOL!

Why is it that when I use “find a diary” and look for my own name, nothing comes up? It’s as if I don’t even exist! A friend of mine was looking me up in here and said they couldn’t find me on acct. of this. What’s up w/that??

Got it, tysm!

actually… not really. but thanks for fixing whatever ya fixed. *thumbs up to diary master*… ~Shanna

[[]] question: why cant we leave pictures in notes?.Vivi.