
I swear I can’t go anywhere without guys hitting on me. It’s like around every corner is another guy wanting my number, my facebook information, or to tell me how beautiful I am. Yeah, sure it’s nice sometimes. But honestly, it’s an annoyance. I can’t genuinely have fun because some guy is always trying to get fresh. It’s uncomfortable for me.

Take, for example, last night. I’m at the pool and I notice some guy noticing me. As I move from the pool to the hot tub to the sauna, he follows. He notices my accent and we hold small talk about where I’m from and why I’m in a different country right now. After it’s time for me to leave he follows me to the showers and asks for my number. I make up some excuse why I can’t give it to him. Then he asks for my facebook information. Of course my brother steps in, "You’re Canadian. What do you have any business talking to my American sister?" Before I leave he says, "Wait. Can I tell you something? You’re literally the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen." I simply thanked him and left. Later that night I was still in my bathing suit at a grocery store. Some forty year old man was peering at my body and I turned in attempt to shield my body from him. He came closer and said, "Wow. Such a beauty, you are." While it might seem flattering, I found it to be completely innapropriate.


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July 19, 2013

You could do what Jenna Marbles does and make a really crazy creeper face. 😉

September 10, 2013

I’m not sure that you understand fully the effect of your own face on the human world around you. Even with the black and white photo there, you can’t disguise the completely remarkable symmetry you have!!! It doesn’t even matter the rest of the beauty you have going for you, that didn’t make the frame of the photo. Just your face alone is up in the heavens when viewed by others!

September 10, 2013

And while nothing excuses the assertive efforts by the person you mentioned in this entry, once you turned away his initial advances, you still need to better recognize that most of the people who gain something from a distance merely for your being on this earth, are not people who have it in mind to actually get anything at your expense.

September 10, 2013

I can’t tell exactly how old you are, but I sense that in time you are just going to mold into a different incarnation of the same person you are today. Your look just seems to be up in the stratosphere, and you did indeed lead-off with that attribute even though this is an anonymous online diary. You aren’t wrong in that, but you did so because it’s always served you well.

September 10, 2013

Eventually you’re just going to get more and more used to being so admired. And no matter how many “inappropriate” approaches there are, a huuuuuuuge majority of your admirers will be those who never even say a thing. (some for being stunned to silence ) It is OK that you are in a different world from most of us… but try to recognize that w/o getting a big head.

September 10, 2013

Perhaps you are your own biggest critic, or worst enemy, so rather than use your photo as an example, here’s the photo of a fellow OD’er: Would rather have it centered, with her full face showing, but even as is, you can understand her beauty by drawing a ‘line of symmetry’, right down the center of her face. Now go and look in a mirror…