
 When life is good, it’s great. When life is bad, it’s… not that bad! This trip has had it’s highs and lows, but the lows aren’t plummeting. Yeah, sure, our plane was delayed, we missed a flight, lost our luggage on that plane, and got stuck for the night in Colorado with no way to contact Shauna’s parents to let them know the deal. While it sounds pretty bad, we all just laughed. One bad thing right after the other. We just came to accept that our luck… wasn’t really luck at all. When sleep deprivation strikes and our anger unleashes, instead of reacting with hatred, we laugh at each other. I remember telling my mom to "stop being a negative nancy" and she threw food at me in the middle of the restaurant. Whatever we were arguing over ceased at the continuous laughter of ham in my shirt. Attempting to give Shauna the silent treatment on the plane and she threatens "If you don’t speak to me, Ill tickle you…" A threat that she pulled through with.  And Shayne? Well… most of our giggles were over his… gas… if ya know what I mean! Guess laughter really is the best medicine 😉 We called all this on again off again bickering "Missed Flight Syndrome" and indeed, t’was. This trip has just been at genuine ease despite all the chaos (if that makes sense). Two days in on a three week long journey and Ive already realized something. How thankful I am for my family. Family first. Before anything, family is most important. 

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