
 How could I possibly understand who you are?

How could I ever make sense of the horrid that lies inside you?

How can anyone pick up the pieces you shattered when you left?

I could never explain the depths of your malicious being.

But here, I try.


A delicate child, I was.

Graceful and innocent.

Hair brown as earth soil,

Developing into a loving soul. 


But you- selfish, 


cold and heartless.

The beginning to a habit you’ll always live with. 


Unmentionable things you did to me.

By a man ten times my age.

By a man who’s supposed to be family. 


I remember.


Did you not see, the fear in my eyes?

Did you not notice my shaking?

Do you take pride, in what you did?


I was too young.You were so mean. 

 But, I’ve found the courage to tell.

After all these years, I kept it in.

I thought I was protecting myself.

Now, I see I was only protecting you.


I’ve seen what I’ve become because of you.

Boy and after boy.It was not a phase. But something I carry from you.


I kept all your secrets.

As your personal servant.

The slave, you created.

With your sick, bag of lies.



Broken hearts,




You took everything from me.

I’m slowing getting it back.

I’ve come to peace with myself.

Now realizing, I’m not a victim.

But rather, a survivor.


With time, 

I will heal.

You’re gone for good.

I couldn’t be more relieved. 


You’re no longer a part of me.

 Just a piece of my past.

You were never family.



You’re nothing to me.

Merely, the dirt beneath myfeet.

But I’m staying strong,

Just to see you pay.

Log in to write a note

you are pretty, wise and strong…what was meant to harm you, will turn out to strengthen you, as it already has…x

July 13, 2013

I’m sorry for what you’ve been through and glad that you have strength.

January 15, 2014

Ouch. I’m so sorry. And I’ll second the noters above me.