Ignore the drama

Last entry sucks.  Drama drama drama.  Stupid women’s college.  Womyn’s commune.  Whatever we’re calling ourselves these days.

I spent forever and a year downloading a remix of ‘Closer’ by NIN…and it barely has any of the original song.  Fucking remixes.  When ninjas rule the world, we will eliminate the remixes first and the boy bands second.

The singer of Orgy.  I will have his late-90’s-body’s babies.  Hawt, hawt man.

I have 2 exams tomorrow.  Guess who hasn’t studied!  Learning is for teh pussies, anyway.  I’m just going to sit here and let the smart drain away. 

I’m tired.  I’m sick of people.  I quit.  Seriously.

I got the new SeaLab 2021 dvd set.  It rocks my socks off.  That actually sucks a bit because I’m running out of socks.  And rocks.  And other things that end in -ock.

What are you thinking, pervert?  I meant ‘lock’.

There’s a small child with a flute-like instrument outside my window.  Dear sweet Jesus, I’m going to kill her.

Rednecks came into my store today.  They were all missing their teeth and talking about NASCAR.  They reeked of smoke.  Why, why isn’t evolution taking care of them?  Grah.

Next weekend=boyfriend.  Boyfriend=sex.  Sex=happy ninj0r.

Exams end tomorrow.  I predict saturday will find me sprawled in a ditch somewhere, hungover, with my clothes and a kidney missing.  Huzzah!

I’m going to go study now, so help me God.

I mean, seriously.  Help me, God. 

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April 14, 2005

I thought the missing kidney thing was supposed to find you in a bathtub filled with ice….

April 14, 2005

is the flutelike instrument a recorder? like. the plastic version of the clarinet? we had to learn to play those in elementary school it was gross they made us buy our own for like 10 bucks. and if u forgot it at home they give u a school one.. which is supposedly “disinfected” by the bucket of crap water in which it is kept ps. i’m happy to hear about the coming of ur boyfriend and sex

April 14, 2005

This is God speaking….you needed something?

April 14, 2005

I was just watching Robot Chicken. It’s a pretty funny show.

Unfortunately, the rednecks always manage to impregnate the ugliest horse-faced high school girls, and squirt out a handful of offspring by the time they’re of legal age…so first, we must kill off the horse-faced girls!!

April 15, 2005

RYN: I love you. You are god. You are smart. All hail you. How am I going to do this? This isn’t freaking human. It just isn’t. I LOATHE the military.

April 15, 2005

COCKS!!! somebody had to say it. And yes, I am also talking about your stand on remixes.

April 16, 2005

Dude, I’ve got both. Not on a file-sharing network, so unless you want me to burn a copy and mail it to you, then I’m not sure what good it did me to mention it. I like ’em both, though. And I’m sure there’s more than one kind of Closer remix, but… random thought: that song works really well with the film of the same name, theme-wise. That’d make a killer video… a waste-of-time, but still…

April 16, 2005

if I were to do a remake of Super Mario Bros., but like, faithful to the game… and a movie version of The Legend of Zelda (provided they haven’t already started one….. ok, no they haven’t)… if they were good, would you enjoy them?

April 18, 2005

Helloooo consumer, yes helloooo consumer. Ba ba ba ba ba doo ba. Bebop Colaaaaa. Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh. *grins*

Ummm there was no boyfriend that weekend unless this boyfriend missed something.