The Saga of Mark rides again

I thought I was done with the saga of Mark, but no.  He manages to impact my life, yet again.

Apparently, he’s started talking to ex-RA and telling her that I’ve been talking shit about her.

Things I’ve actually said about ex-RA:

1.  Why yes, she IS dating a girl in her class.

2.  She swore up and down last year that she’d never date a girl.  Isn’t this ironic.

Things that she thinks I’ve said, according to Mark:

1.  I’m calling her a lesbian.

2.  I’m telling everyone and their mother that she’s with this girl and going out of my way to do so.

3.  Apparently, at the hotel party, I said SOMETHING, but I don’t know what.  I thought I talked about sailboats, but I guess I didn’t.

4.  Various random shit that I still don’t know but have apparently been shouting from rooftops.

The fun thing is that I’ve been apparently doing this at ‘a lot’ of parties…when I’ve only been to a couple in the past few months.  She has me placed at about 8 parties and I’ve only gone to about 4.

So yes.  Magical.  IrishGirl is calling Mark right now to fuck him up for me.  That jackass.  ex-RA is super pissed at me, which really doesn’t bother me all that much, but I’m sure it should.  Whatever.  Just as long as she leaves me alone, I’ll be fine.

***A few hours later***

Mark denies telling ex-RA anything, which we figured he’d say.  What damns him is that he said he’d called her a few times and those times match up with ex-RA’s peaks of anger.  Busted.  I’m not going to bother defending myself to ex-RA.  She’s overdramatic about stuff like this, so its a waste of my time.  I just prefer to know exactly who never to trust again (or, in this case, who to kill).

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He’s my dream woman! Perfect for any bisexual. <3 Muah. – A.

April 14, 2005

…….what an ass. And really, if people have so little to do in college that they have to start doing shit like that, then maybe it’s time to declare a major or something. Keep them busy.

April 14, 2005

kill mark. no jury would convict you. and where’s the damn centre text?

April 18, 2005

now that atticus mentions it, i missed the centre text too