Put flowers on Algernon’s grave.

Very few people understand the love I have for this book. I’ve read a lot of books that were difficult to shake, in the best possible way, but Flowers For Algernon is something else entirely for me. Charlie reflects who I am — someone too intelligent for his own good, but emotionally immature; someone terrified of losing the ability to express himself; someone who is only too easily disillusioned. Honestly, I cry almost every time I read it.

"The path I choose through the maze makes me what I am. I am not only a thing, but also a way of being."

 I wrote a longer entry.

My internet connection went haywire.

Life sucked.

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I like the quote, and from yer comments to me and entries ye have written ye do sound too intellegent fer yer own good…not that it’s bad. And RYN: Aye, I think yer right, I was just clinging to that one side of her. Also…poufier?? 🙂 Love the word! Poofier is better…cept when my idiot brother “Poofs” the kitchen. so he is now banned from all kitchens…so many dead toasters (>_<)

September 22, 2010

I’ve added it to my list of books to read and I’m going to the library tomorrow so this really is perfect timing 🙂 I’ve lost so many long entries thanks to my crappy internet connection but now I’ve learnt my lesson to push the little ‘save’ button after every paragraph I do. Works a charm 🙂

ryn: aye I know what ye mean. I’m the opposite, I’m no book smart but I understand the world, even if I spell like a monkey on crack. 🙂