Shoes and school

Well it’s been awhile. Not like anyone is keeping track or anything, but still. I haven’t really been doing a lot, so I guess I just kinda thought it pointless to write about nothing. Although that’s pretty much what I’m doing now.

Let’s see…I got new shoes in the mail yesterday. I ordered them from cuz Emily is my hero. Or something like that. Anyways, they weren’t really the ones I wanted, but they’re still alright I guess. They’re just different than what I’m used to wearing, so it’ll take awhile to get used to them.

I haven’t really left the house a lot. I went to my  friend’s house the other day for a few hours. Other than that, I’ve pretty much stayed in the same pair of pajamas all week and haven’t gone anywhere.

School is quickly approaching and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I think for once I’m actually happy about going back to school. For a few reasons. Mainly cuz this summer has sucked big time, and how can school be worse than this? Also because I will actually get to see my friends more than once a month. And because I’m graduating this year (which is also kinda scary). And also it will give me something to do every day so I don’t die from boredom.
I think the only thing I’m gonna miss about summer is being able to stay up late, and sleep in. I am in no way a morning person, and I think that’s what I hate most about school. It should really start later in the day.

Anyway, I think that’s all I have to say for now. I have to go clean the house now.

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