Help! Before my Brain Explodes!

ok here is what is going on…………

i’m torn between two guys and it is driving me crazy…. They are somewhat complete opposites… Help me figure this out….

Tyler is a year older than me and we met when I was datin his friend Jason, but Jason is a whole seperate entry… Tyler is a big partier and he smokes weed alot and just doesnt care sometimes.. We have been friends for almost 2 years and we text all the time.. We come to each other with all out problems.. I know he likes me because he has told me before that I am the type of girl he would marry and that a girl like me is hard to find.. What frustrates me is that I have been around that drugs and partying before and I dont like the person he becomes… He has alot goin on in his life right now and I just want to see him happy.. I know I could make him happy if he would just open his eyes and give me a chance.. He is so sweet to me and we have so much fun together when we hang out and people tell me we would be so cute together…. I just dont know….

Daniel is my age and we have known each other for years but we really met and connected around a year and a half ago.. He is in the Air Force and is gone right now doing schooling and stuff at his base.. He comes home in a little over a month for good and I am really excited.. Out of the blue the other day he texted me and was tellin me how I was really pretty and He actually remembered the day we met and remembered alot of details that I had forgot… He tells me Im so great and that He cant wait to come home.. He told me that we need to go to dinner when he gets home and that when he gets home he is going to throw a party and he wants me to be there…  He was tellin me that he was gonna get his own house when he comes home and I love texting him because he just makes me feel like a little kid again.. OK, i know he sounds perfect, but here is the thing… I have to text him first the last few days.. I just tell myself that he forgot and is busy but it bothers me a little.. My friend Taylor told me not to text him anymore and just let him come to me… She said it always works.. I just hate not talking to him… I didnt text him today and that was really hard.. Im scared I am gettin my hopes up for nothing… So I dont know….


Ok, So what do I do? Someone please help….

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