
 "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Words Can Never Hurt Me"

How many times have we all heard this saying? Do people not realize that things they say can stick with people and mold their mind.. I can still hear the voices of kids growing up makin fun of me… I remember one day in 6th grade, I was walking to my locker to get something I forgot and a girl in my grade stopped me and said "Hey Shelby, You’re number one." That made me feel special and right before I was about to say thank you she finished what she was saying "You’re number one in Loserville." She made me feel lower than dirt that day and that has stuck with me forever.. Im 20 now and about to start my third year of college.. I can still hear her voice in my head saying that… I can hear all the people calling me a loser and a failure and ugly and trash.. The girls in middle school made up this story about a girl named "Shelly" that lived in the dumpsters behind one of the grocery stores and everytime that talked about  "Shelly" they would be looking at me laughing… Ugh girls are so mean… Lol thats why most of my friends are guys.. 

But I digress, yes words hurt… Words can hurt more than anything else.. Yes sticks and stones hurt, but Words can kill… 

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