
This poem is about this guy that I met here . I’m so into him! I found myself liking him so much that his feelings dicated over mine. Pretty sad huh? Note to self: NEVER let that happen again. HAHAHA.. You become like a belligerent drunk: addicted to the point of consumption. In the end, I figured out that he’s just as screwed up as I am… Wowie, so he’s human.

I drink you up

Consumed by your bitter taste

And experience euphoria

Later realizing that you were a waste

Dependent upon you like a belligerent drunk to a

feeble bottle

Attempt to pilot my conscious

But I can’t seem to control the throttle

Further sinking into oblivion

I rely on you to pacify me

I’d put in my two cents

But you’d sneer cynically, you would deny me

Further sinking into oblivion

My addiction becomes an obssession

My obsession consumes me

I’m going…



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Jeez Domaphreak! I hate you! You are such a good writer and I hope I can eventually write like that. Some people may not notice but I think its great. Love you!!

I dont know how to get it to let me sign it but its me Kupid!!! Maybe that will work. It only lets me send unsigned notes. Love ya again!

Hey D its L, gee goly whiz how did ya think up all them big words? (lol)