Global Warming and Cat Politics

It is freezing in my house. As I type this it is hard to feel my fingers and my nose wants to run. Why is this happening it’s halfway through april. I thought global warming was supposed to heat the earth not usher in a new ice age. Maybe I need to start using hairspray again. I’ll bring back big bangs for a little heat. Now for those of u who are like why doesn’t this stupid chick turn on the heat I will tell you. We have no control over the heat the management has it on a timer for the winter so now that it’s “spring” they shut it off.

Moving on we’ll talk about cat’s for a moment. There has been this beautiful stray cat wandering around around our apartment building for weeks now. The neighbor across the hall usually feeds her or I do. I did not take her in for a couple of reasons. First of all we already have two cats in a building where we are not supposed to have pets. On top of that I have a pet rat Lady Delerium. Secondly Dan’s parents pay the vet bills and buy the cat’s food and litter and quite frankly I don’t see them being thrilled about us having another cat. I work all week and Dan not really one for talking care of things. I have to harrass him forever to change the box. Easier just to do it myself.

So I am at work one day and when I come home I discover that Dan saw the cat which meowed at him and took it in. So now we have this new cat. As of yet unnamed though it’s been in our house for 3 days. Speaking of other un things she unfixed. On top of that a few days before Dan took the kitty in he was being kept awake by two cats being very loud outside. He looked out and saw 2 cat’s having sex outside. Guess who the lady cat was. If you said our new cat you’d be right. Plus while she has not attacked our kitties she growls at them all the time.

*Sigh* she is pretty though.

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I know. Its cold in April and hasn’t rained one drop. What happened to “April showers bring May flowers?” Anyway my entry.. Its about this girl whom I am friends with and constantly pushes people out of her life. I am sensative and take everything she does to heart. I am not taking it anymore. If she wants me around I am but if not screw her its not worth it. Thats prolly why it seemed so confusin

thanks for the notes, i appreciate it. i love kitties!