
It’s late and I can’t sleep… I’m to horny to sleep right now and I can’t get any. This really sucks. The time you want something real bad you can’t get it…. Why dose this have to happen. I know I can always please myself, but it just isn’t the same as having someone else please you. I will live I guess.

I just WANT something more then my Hand! I want to feel him run his fingers down my body, feel his soft warm hand on me. Getting me hotter and hotter, making me want him more, as he runs his lips over mine, bring out his tongue touching my lips as he moves his tongue down my chin and on to my neck. Feeling the warmth of his breath and the wetness of his tongue as he moves all over my body. Just thinking about this and more isn’t helping me either, but I can’t stop thinking about him.

I want him to take me in to bed…or anywhere…. and make love to me, make me moan out like I haven’t before, bring me to hights I never thought I could get to. He has before and I know he can again, just wish he could now. I can almost feel him touch me, feel his tongue on me, smell his sweet body. What I would do to have him here now.

If he didn’t have to work I would call him up and have him come over, but he will be getting up soon to go to work. 🙁 Well there is always later tonight. I am off so…. That gives me an idea. I will call him later today why he is at work and tell him some of the things I want to do with him and he will be over, and I will have my place in the right mood for it all.

Ok now I need to go and make sure I have enough candles and all for tonight.


Want someSexual Pleasures

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hey, was going through some old notes and found yours, felt bad for not replying, maybe we could chat sometime, what’s your sn, i’m sure we could find something to talk about

*sigh* I hear ya.