
Now let me tell you about Albert…. He is someone I met when I met by Ex. I loved my Ex at the time, but the only thing is when ever I talked to by one G/F I always talked about Albert and not my Ex, (B/F at the time) I knew I had feelings for Albert, but once my ex came and we started spending alot of time with one another, I didn’t really think about Albert, cos I didn’t see him. After some time Albert came back in my life and I started getting my feels out more about him.

I talked to my G/F about it and she was telling me how she didn’t think I loved my Ex. I was in love before and she knows that and I wasn’t the same with my EX as I was with my one love. I didn’t see how I was feeling for my Ex, I didn’t want to be alone and I thought I loved him like I should. I care for him, but I don’t love him and I’m not sure if I ever did.

I told my Ex that I didn’t love him like I should love him to be with him, and that I have feelings for someone else and if I was with him I shouldn’t have stronger feelings for someone else. He still loves me, and he always will for I am his first love. You never get over your first love, I know this, cos I still love my first.

I just couldn’t be with him and know I don’t love him.

We are still friends and all….. Back to Albert, I told Albert in a letter a few times about how I felt, the last one I wrote to him I told him everything of how I felt. The only thing is I don’t know how he felt cos he never told me. I don’t think he wanted to say anything for the fact that I was still with my Ex, but I broke it off with him before I give him the last letter, or right after I did, I can’t remember for sure.Shortly after I gave Albert the letter he was leaving to go back home. I also told Albert that it had nothing to do with him of why I broke it off with my ex. Yes, I did have feelings for him, but that only helped me see that I didn’t have the feelings I thought I did for my ex. In a way it had a little to do with him, but that isn’t the reason why I broke it off.

I still don’t know how Albert feels about me, but right now I don’t want to know because I have Josh. I still think about Albert and I still like him like I did, but I don’t think I love him… First off I don’t really know him, I just had a feeling about him. Most of the times when I have feelings it means something, I do go with them 2nd I found Josh again. I was with him before, but alot of things happen between us and we broke up and didn’t talk for a while, but after a bit of time we started talking agian and one day I knew that I still loved him. He felt the same way do we got back together.

I know I have feelings for Albert, but I also know that I don’t have that strong of feelings for him as I do Josh and Steve. I just don’t know what to do about it all. I don’t plan of thinking about it to much cos I want to be with Josh, it just at times I don’t know what to think about my feelings. This is a way I can get it out and off my mind. I can reread what I have up and maybe it can help me.

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I just wanted to let you know that I love your diary and to please chick out mine. I’m new but i think that you will enjoy my writings…And I would like to ask you where you got your back ground?

Hey, come check out my diary if you want. Yours rocks!