Dead Beat Dad and all of that

Today has started OK. Lets just hope it continues. Jayden is at school and I am here, on campus, waiting for my SOcial POlicy class to begin. Truth is – the work this semester is almost drowing me. I’ll be so glad when it is over. Sooner the better. This is Jayden’s weekend to go see his dad. He started last night with the I don’t want to go’s but he has to, that is the order. I am so pist at his father right now. I’m kicking out $200 per month in medication and now Dec 10 Jayden is going in for some major dental work. Like aprox $600 worth of dental work – after insurance. I already kicked out over $500 on dr bills – after insurance. You think he kickin in on any of that?? Yea right. I pay $65.00 per week for school cause vol. pre-k only last for 3 hours a day. I buy all clothes, shoes, EVERYTHING and he think $425 worth of child support pay half….. whatever. He promised him a bike – never bought it. My dad did. I am so fed up with him. I’m sending him to his house – from now on starting today- in the only outfit he ever brought Jayden. I’m not sending any extra clothes, underwear, NOTHING! Let him pay for something and see how he like it. It won’t hurt Jayden cause he don’t take him anywhere anyway, He is SUCH a dead beat.  

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