Catch up

I had a really good christmas and new year and enjoyed having a few days off and spending time with my family and friends. My dad was very ill for a couple of weeks prior to christmas and he has only just gotten better last week. He puzzled doctors when he went to the surgery because there was something wrong with his legs – they were very tender and were red raw and had swollen up a lot and he felt really unwell, he was shivering even though he felt boiling and he had a very high temperature. We didn’t know if this was the side effects of his medication and if it was always going to be like this. The doctor told him to take Ibuprofen and to see him in a week if it hadn’t gone down – he hadn’t seen anything like it before so wasn’t sure if it needed treating. My dad went back as he was exhausted and he never complains that he feels unwell but he was saying he felt awful and he looked like he had aged a lot and he was so pale and had lost a lot of weight so looked very thin in the face. His doctor asked another doctor for her opinion and they came to the conclusion that it must be a skin infection so he was put on two lots of antibiotics. His GP is convinced that this has something to do with his new medication even though the consultant at the hospital says it can’t possibly be. I bet it is.

Mike and I have been looking at holidays and we have decided to go on another tour holiday, this time we are going to go to LA, San Francisco and Vegas. We have also been looking at short breaks to New York as we really want to go back there and do the things that we ran out of time to do.

I didn’t manage to make it in to work today because of the snow – it is crazy that we have had so much of it. It is so pretty though, I felt bad about not making it in but the last 2 times we had snow I came in and others didn’t and this time I wouldn’t have been able to get out of my road as loads of cars in my road got stuck today. I walked into the village sporting my new funky wellies and they did a very good job!

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January 6, 2010

sure, feel free to read past entries, although mostly it’s pretty boring stuff about weight and eating properly, and me wining and crying about it lol

January 6, 2010

Oh no, sorry to hear about your dad 🙁 I really hope he feels better soon and they find out what is going on! Poor man. I went to work today, but lots of people didn’t come in.. there was no snow in my village though and the roads were all gritted, so it was fine for me. Apparently our council have nearly run out of grit though, not getting any more until next Wednesday, so that could cause some problems! 😐 ryn: I burnt my fingers on steam on my birthday, lovely 2nd degree burns for me!xx

January 8, 2010

Found your diary on random serach … sorry to hear about your dad hun, I hope they figure out what it is…And I hope things get better..and glad to hear you had a good christmas ..take care..