
I sing a song of my greatness
For there is no one as silently bold as me
Captivation the norm with graceful mystique
Though often misunderstood or disregarded
Evident dissidence
My eccentricity—my song
I hold the world hostage in cynicism
Yet the hope for tomorrow reigns
I am lone in contempt
Yet I embrace the triumph of a day conquered
Reverent to those I hate
My abstraction of emotion the key
My musings the crevasse for dementia
A deranged smile with eyes of sparkling ridicule and enigmas
Searching for absolution of mind
I am all you are, only not
Confusing yet simple
Complex yet elementary
Stupid genius
and rational insanity
I am nothing you are—magnified
Impressionistic transcendence
I am a Pandora’s box of perfection
A simple riddle you’ll never understand

Nikki Nelson
reposted without permission

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