
1. Look out the window. What do you see?
The neighbors back yard..they got something covered in a tarp..i think its dead bodies…

2. Last beverage you consumed?

3. Are you a sexual predator?
Sure..i stalk Sherrie all the time*evil grins*

4. Three words to explain why you last threw up?
Jim, Jack, and Jose…5. What is the equation for the Pythagorean theorem?Ummmm im blonde, do i really need to know it??
6. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls?
No, and yes..if they made her Bi..yeah that would be great, then she could teach all lil’ girls that its okay to be yourself!!!

7. What kind of car does your father drive?
A truck of some sort, i havent seen him in a while so i cant be sure, think its a ford

8. Do you like to play Scrabble?
Of course..Im a word nerd

9. Where did you attend high school?
Leland North Carolina…North Brunswick High

10. Favorite scent?

11. Who can you tell absolutely everything to?
My girlfriend…even if i cant get it out all at once she sits there till i can!!

12. Last television program you watched?

13. Spell your name without vowels

15. Does your family own any boats?
Of course…

16. Something you can’t live without?
My girlfriend..shes like air and water to me..

17. Do you wear flip flops constantly?
Yes…even in winter, i got cute feet

18. What do you think of Adam Brody?

19. Do you have air conditioning in your room?

Um yeah, its not like we are leaving in the dark ages..its Efn hot people

20. Have you ever kissed your dog?
I dont have a dog..does my ex-boyfriend count??

21. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
Playing on the floor with my daughter…

22. How often do you read books?

23. Do you like James Blunt?

24. Describe the computer you are currently using?
Flat Screen, lots of Memory

25. How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
Depends on where im going and how im feeling

26. Will you donate your organs after you pass?

27. Have you been outside of the US?

28. Would you ever get your nipples pierced?
Hahahahahaaa..we were just talking about that, how’d you know, you stalking me???

29. What are you looking forward to?

30. Last text you received on your mobile?
Stephan: Thank you Princess

32. What are you listening to?
house noises, shower, typing

33. Last movie you watched?
Wicker Man

34. Which of your friends lives closest to you?

35. What cd is in your stereo?
Micky Avalon..hes the shit

36. Do you have a job?
I do…its called being a Princess

37. What did you do last night?
I was in the hospital, i hurt my ass

38. Do you wish at 11:11?
Nah…only on shooting stars

39. Do you wear contacts or glasses?

40. Do you have a class ditching story?
Of course i do..there was that time i ditched Insurance and Billing and got drunk on the tailgate of my truck drinking Redbull and Cherry Vodka…

41. Do you find yourself attractive?
I am Beautiful…

42. Who was the last person to call you?

43. What annoys you?
Stupid people…

45. Next vacation you’re going on?
Vegas baby…..

46. Do you play any instruments?
Nope..i sing

47. Last thing that made you really laugh?
Hmmm i dunno

48. Do you have any piercings?
Yep…its in my special place

49. Can you roll your r’s?

50. Did you ever go to prom?
Yeah, i was still going to proms after i got out of high school. I was pretty popular, i had 2 dates for senior prom!!!

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September 2, 2007

you sound like the shit i mean it i am bi to and would love to talk to you i am married to and i am looking for a girlfriend i cant find one around here maybe i should get a camera and try myspace well come and visit me anytime

September 2, 2007

Hey There.. I got your request…I guess you’re Faerydreams gf? lol Cool survey! I might do it later! Welcome to Od.

September 4, 2007
