In the beginning…

I guess i should introduce myself, I’m the Princess. I am kinda new to blogging although i’ve been keeping a written journal, and i blog mindlessly on Myspace, my girlfriend assures me this is much better so here i go. Today was kinda rough. Among other things, i didnt get to sleep as late as i wanted cause i had to take a shower and go see a man about a dog…and then this stupid girl decided it would be a good day to die(she killed herself), i tell you, it sure can be hard being a princess sometimes. Okay, i suppose i should give a little background information about myself. It has taken me a long long time to get to this point in my life. I am finally the most settled i have been in a long time. I am divorced, long long story, but currently in a relationship with a great girl. Shes the queen..and shes married, so now that i have my great girl, i would love to find a great guy. She and i are in a committed relationship to each other.  I have two kids, they are the loves of my life. I try to be a good mommy, i can only hope the fact that i still have hair shows that i am..(i havent pulled it all out yet). I guess thats about it for now, i dont have anything great to relate, it is almost 2 am…Ill leave more later!! Nice to meet you all!!!

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August 1, 2007

Hiya baby! Welcome to OD. I hope you’ll love it here. I’m gonna send my friends over to play with you too…hehehe Love you!

August 1, 2007

welcome to OD 🙂 Yes she is a very great girl I lovers her muchly and I know she really loves you, I’m happy for you all 🙂 I hope you have a good day. Ang

August 1, 2007

*hand to forehead* I forgot to add you to my faves hope you don’t mind lol ryc: thanks 🙂

August 2, 2007

Beware of me. I am Terminator! I make little girls cry.

August 2, 2007

Hi! Welcome ! I am going to add you to faves if you are OK with that 🙂

August 2, 2007

🙂 Welcome to OD

Welcome to OD!